Italian Headcannon

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Hey just imagine Romano and Italy being the type of siblings to do annoying things just to annoy each other....

Italy: *opens fridge door*
Hey, Roma? Where's all the pasta.

Romano: *in the other room, finishing off the pasta* I don't know.

Italy: *Walks into the room and sees the almost empty pasta bowl* Romano! Why did you eat my pasta?

Romano: What the crapola are you saying! I didn't eat the dang pasta!
*slurps pasta noodles obviously*

Italy: Romano! I can see you eat it! Give it back! *grabs bowl* There is nothing in there! Romano!!

Romano: What the... I didn't eat anything!
*crosses arms*

Italy: *drops bowl* Yes you did.

Romano: No, I didn't.

Italy:Yes, you did.

Romano: No, I didn't!

Italy: Yes

Romano: No

Italy: Yes

Romano: No

Italy: Yes

Romano: No

Italy: Yes

Romano: No

Italy: Yeeeessss

Romano: Nooooooo

Italy: No

Romano: No

Italy: Pasta! I thought that would work!

Romano: Hmhp >:-(

Italy: ROMANO!!!

Romano: Fiinnnee!!!! I ate the pasta!

Italy: I KNEW IT!!

Romano: I also ate all the tomatoes. *smirks and sticks out tongue*

Italy:......Get out of my room, you monster!

Romano: *sticks out tongue at Italy and makes irritating noises*

Italy: Can you STOP! *swats Romano away *

Romano: Blahhhh! Bluuu! BLEEEEEPPP!!!!

Italy: Stop, I'm trying to do my work!


Italy: Stop!

Romano: Boooooopp!

Italy: Stop


Italy: STOP!


Italy: *grabs briefcase and hits Romano in the face with it*

Romano: *silent*

Italy: *puts briefcase down* R-romano? Bro-brother!

Romano: :-|*still silent*

Italy: :-| *also silent*

Romano: ........BLEEP!

Romano: Feli, why is my room covered in potatoes?

Italy: Because it annoys you :-D :-P
Romano: *talking to Spain*

Italy: Spain, he likes yooouuu!!! Now go make tomato babies!

Spain: :-O

Germany: :-O

Germany's Dogs: :-O <woof>

Romano: BROTHER!!!

Italy: Hehehehehe *starts running*

Romano: ARGHHH! *chases Italy*

Germany: Uhhhh

Spain: Well, shucks. *giggles and blushes*
Italy: *in mafia outfit* I didn't chose the thug life, the thug life chose me.

Romano: *scoffs* Ya right.

Italy: Well, it's true! >:-(

Romano: Feli, you're scared of the dark.

Italy: >:-(

Romano:What a thug you are.....* shakes head disapointedly*

Italy: .....

Romano: .......

Italy: You're just jelly! *flips hair fabulously*
Romano: I want some wine! *gets wine cup thingy* Where's the wine?!

Italy: Uh-oh! *turns around with wine pouring into the cup*

Romano: FELI!

Italy: Ve, relax, we can share. *passes the wine to Romano*

Romano: *grabs the wine and smiles* Thank you. *Pours wine* Huh? Nothing is coming out??...

Italy: Oh... that's strange....

Romano: Feli, what did you do to it!?

Italy: Uhhh... I drank it. DURH! *Slaps Romano in the face and walks out the room*

Romano: *in the other room* I HATE YOU SO MUCH!
Author: How would you kill each other.

Italy: ........

Romano: .........

Author: Aww! You do love each other! You wouldn't kill each other! <3

Romano: Huh? Oh no, I was trying to think about the most painful death for him

Italy: Si, I'm thinking of stabbing you.

Romano: Nah, I would tear off your nails one by one. And rip off your face and give it to Germany's dogs. And I would keep your eyes and ears as souvenirs *in a creepy voice*

Author: :-O

Italy: OH MY GOSH!

Author: ........


Romano and Italy: AWWWW, YOU'RE A GREAT BROTHER! *hugs each other before shuddering and scooting away*

Author: You guys need to go to family counseling.

Hey guys, did ya like it? I did. I actually based this off real events that happened to me with my siblings. This made me laugh. Anyway, this is just a funny headcannon I "made" up. I mean, I didn't make it- make it because all siblings fight.
Spain, Gemany and Author: Hope you like it and Happy Readings!

Author: Hey Spain, Germany, can I have a tomato and potato? (Hey that rhymes)

Germany and Spain: Sure *gives me ma food!*

Thank you!! BEEEEPPP!

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