"Sounds good. Later guys," I said and waved to the guys 

"Wait," Bahja said before the boys left. "Why don't you guys just meet us up at the pasta house?"

"Alright, peace."

"Bye," Bahja said. We began walking.

"Okay, which store first?" I asked. She looked around.

"Hm... The Buckle?"

"Nah, that's at the other end. How about June's?"

"Sounds good!" she said. We walked into Jane's, which was a casual yet dressy store, and looked around. About 30 minutes later, we had picked out a couple outfits and whatnot. We paid and moved along.

"Sally's." Bahja said.

"What about it?"

"Their giving $10 manicures. Let's go!" she said, while pulling my arm. I laughed and we walked in. We got manicures, pedicures, yeah. After we finished there, we went to Aeropostale. Next was Pac Sun, then Starbuck's. We got our usuals and left, but something - or someone - caught my eye. A bad someone; Tori. I immediately pulled Bahja back behind a fake plant.

"Whoa, what's the deal?"

"Sh! Look," I started. She popped her head out, but I quickly pulled her back in. "It's Tori!" I whisper-yelled.

"What?!" she said, peeking back out. "Oh, my God. She's walking with Jacob!" she also whisper-yelled.

"Are you kidding?! What the hell are they doing together?"

"I don't no, kiddo. But, they look awfully close."

"No kidding. They're practically glued together," I said while watching them hold hands, snuggle close, and kiss each other atleast once every ten seconds.

"No wonder he stopped bothering me. He's dating her," I said. Bahja stood up.

"That's a good thing... right?"


"Okay, so why are we hiding?"

"Well, it's not like I want them to see me. They're both my worst enemies. Plus, look at Jacob! He's a freaking neck brace."

"How'd that happen?"

"Ray broke his neck," I said. She dropped her mouth, which turned into a smile.

"I love that boy. Of course, not as much as you."

"Well, either broke it or fractured it."

"Dang, this happen when he tried to rape you?"

"Yep," I said. I stepped out and Bahja followed. I watched as Jacob and Tori stepped into a store.

"What time is it anyways?" I asked.

"Um..." she started. "3:30. Should we find the guys?"

"Yeah, I'm getting hungry."

"Me too," she said, and we began walking. We walked until we ran into a line.

"What's with the line?" I asked. Bahja shrugged her shoulders. We tried getting around it, but couldn't. I could finally see that some store was having a sale. I rolled my eyes at how crazy people get, but then thought, "Hey, if I actually wore clothes from here I'd do the same thing. 70% off!". I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see, what I had been trying to avoid, Jacob and annoying ass Tori.

"What," I coldly said.

"Oh, Zonnique! I'm SO glad I ran into you!" Tori said.

"Really? I couldn't say the same."

"Ha! You're really funny. So, how's life been?" she asked, pretending to care. I just gave her a "wtf?!" look.

"Better without you in it," I said, and Bahja laughed.

"Ooop..." Chynae said.

"But anyways," I started. "How have you been? The last I saw you was, well, when you fell out of my boyfreinds tree. How did that happen again?" I asked, pretending not to remember.

"Oh, I think it was because she was trying to be FBI or some shit." B said. We both laughed. I crossed my arms and faced her. I noticed that Jacob just stood back and looked down.

"Very funny, and cute. But I have a different man now. Well, your EX man." she said, and smirked. I scoffed.

"Wow, I'm burning with jealously... not. You can have all the fun you want with that rapist. I'm just sad because I'm not getting to see him behind bars; where he should be." I said and turned to leave, but Bahja stopped.

"Oh, Tori?" she asked. She just stared at us. Bahja looked her up and down.

"I didn't know today was 'Dress Like a Hoe' day. You should of told me!" she said. I bursted out laughing and walked away with my best friend. ~

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