Chapter 40-Apple bee's

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We got to Apple Bee's and sat down Eliza and Sean sat at the table across from us the Waiteress came and it was sam Louis's old girlfriend She looked at him with a smile we orded our food 

"Why is she here?" Louis said

"Cause she still hasnt got over you babe"

"are you Serious" Louis said he looked over at her and called her over

"yes Lou"She said in a sweet tone 

"Listen Sam I dont like you I have a wife and a kid OK and you really need to move on because i'm posotive that guy over there eating alone looking at you so go over there and talk to him" he said she nodded and walked over there 

"finally" Luke said we looked at him he smiled and waved

"want dessert?" I asked he nodded "OK we'll get dessert" I said

After Apple bees we went to Eliza's and Luke,Eveyln,and Damo were watching tv in the basement. Me,Louis,Eliza,and Sean were all in the kitchen talking and drinking beer 

"so hows your relationship going?" I blurted out Sean looked at me and so did Eliza then back at each other "good..." Sean said I grabbed Eliza and walked out of the kitchen 

"Eli tell me" I said

"Ok we hardly talk" she said Sean must have over heard  cause he came over and said 

"is that how you feel" she nodded "well im sorry" he said sarcastically 

"wow just wow Sean" I snapped

"what Summer!?" 

"your an ass saying sorry sarcastically"

"FUCK YOU!" he snapped I slammed him against the wall and grabbed his throat he screamed in pain as his back hit the wall he grabbed my arm and snapped it I screamed in pain and dropped him to the floor "SUMMER!" Louis yelled

"SEAN!" Eliza yelled rushing over by him he was lying on the ground he gasped for air and looked at me "I hate you" he spat 

"why did you even do that?" Eliza asked

"Cause I tried to help you but im sorry for being a good friend" I walked out I went home when I got there I sat on my bed  and looked at my arm then the door opened  and Louis grabbed my hands and put his forehead against mine "Luke is sleeping over there"he said I nodded he climbed on top of me and tickled me  "Stop" I said while laughing then he kissed me

"ok I stopped love" he said then we started to rip off each others clothes he grabbed whip cream put  it on me and  licked it off then said "want some?" I nodded and he put it in his mouth and kissed you. His tongue meet mine and I felt like we were the only two in the world then his lips left mine and kissed my neck and then I  felt his soft lips find my soft spot and I  moaned and he laughed I felt his breath touch my neck I laughed then his lips trailed from my collarbone up to my neck to my lips then we heard the doorbell we changed really fast and I sprayed purfume everywhere then I went downstairs opened the door and saw a guy he had blue hiar,blue eyes,pale skin,spider bites,a sptum piercing,a beaine,a kitty shirt,and black skinny jeans he smiled at me and my eyes went wide "A-A-Adam?" 


A/N hello I need your help I want to end this seris but I have no clue how to so please comment below for suggestion thank you love you p.s. im not ending it in the next chap im gonna end it soon though 

My fiance's a vampireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora