Chapter 35-pregnant again

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Chapter 35-pregnant again

I woke up to Huge stomach pains so I rushed to the bathroom and threw up I heard footsteps walking over to the bathroom it was louis held my hair back when i finished throwing up louis asked"hey are you okay" He handed me a towel and I wiped my mouth "no I don't feel good" I said

"Come on let's get you in bed okay"

"Ok" I said I walked upstairs and he put a garbage can by our bed he was by the door way and I called "Louis?"


"What if I was pregnant again?" I asked him in a soft voice

"Well then were having another kid" he smirked and left I smiled and laid my head on the pillow I closed my eyes and thought then my phone rang I jumped and answered it 

"hello?" I asked

"hi hows it going?" Eliza asked 

"not good I need to talk to you"

"ya whats wrong?" she asked concerned 

"well I haven't told Louis but I'm pregnat again" I said biting my lip 

"WHAT!" she said

"ya and im worried cause its growing fast and I dont know why im so worried" 

"oh my gosh Im leaving im going over there now!" she said hanging up I looked at my phone and I got a text from Sean it said "hey summer Luke's gone and he left a note it said im going home"  I felt like I was going to die if he wasnt able to find his way home but I hope he does then Louis came in "hey sum" he said with a smile

"Hey Louis can I talk to you?"I said 

"ya whats wrong?"

"well im pregnat again and the baby's growing faster than a normal baby should"

"what!" He said worried

"ya Eliza's coming here to help me with this child" 

"are you worried or what?" he asked

"ya I mean its growing faster than a normal baby" I said then the doorbell rang Louis went downstairs I laied my head down and watched tv. A couple of minutes later I heard a knock on the bedroom door "come in" I said in a scratchy voice I looked at the door and Luke and Eliza walked in Lukes eyes became wide when he saw me and hugged me "I missed you" he said he was now 12  

"hey..." I began but my I felt like someone stabbed me in the stomach I screamed in pain 

"Summer are you ok?" Eliza asked rushing to me 

"ow no" I said 

"Ok we need to get you to a hospital now!" she said

"no ahhh we cant...never mind AHHH!" I screamed in pain Louis ran up the stairs he picked me up and he zoomed me to the hospital we got inside and they imediatley got me into a wheel chair I screamed in pain they got me in a room then I blacked out once they got me on a bed


I woke up and Louis was on the chair his eyes were puffy he sighed I looked at him "Louis" I said he hugged me "oh thank god your alive" 

"what happend?" I asked

"well we got here put you on a bed you blacked out then well your pregnant again and that pain that you had was the baby destroying on the inside and I saved you"


"you had twins and one was destroying you and so I cut open your stomach and pulled one out and it died but you still have one inside of you" he said 

"aw my hero" I said hugging him I giggled 

"hey chica" Eliza said

"hi" I said

"so you heard that you have a hero"

"I do"

"hi mom" I heard someone say I looked over Eliza's shoulder and it was Luke he smiled and hugged me "Hi luke" 

"I missed you" he said sitting on my bed 

"really so you wanna stay with us now" 

"ya" he said 

"well I should go back to Sean and the kids" Eliza said pointing to the door

"ok bye Eli" I said I looked at Louis then Luke 

"well were adding another member to the family" I said

"I hope its a boy" Luke said 

"I know you do but what if its a girl" Louis said

"thats ok cause then I have someone to watch over"Luke said I laughed then the doctor came in 

"oh summer your awake"he said 

"ya" I said 

"so when does she get out the hospital?"Louis asked

"probably in a week or a couple days"

"Ok thanks" he said

"well I would like to talk to Summer alone" the doctor said

"ok come on Luke" Louis said and they left I sat up 

"ya doc?" I asked 

"well tommorow were gonna give you an ultrasound and were kind of worried"

"why whats wrong?" I said 

"well we dont exactly know if the baby's still alive"

"well why dont you check know!" I snapped then I felt somthing it was like needle going into my arm I looked down and noticed the doctor stuck a needle into my arm but he did by accident because he was knocked out I looked around and saw no one I left the room and  looked for Louis and Luke but they weren't out there no one was in the hospital "hello?" I said all I heard was my echo I tried to run but I couldnt all of the sudden I fell and screamed in pain all I heard was "look summer you ruined your family by fucking around then your in this situation" the voice said I knew it was a guy

"who are you" I said clenching my stomach 

"oh im no one special" he said then I screamed in pain 

"STOP!" I screamed"

"why should I?" he said he came closer I sat up and looked around 

"because...." I began then I saw him it was Eric 


"because I still love you" he said looking into my eyes

"but I dont love you" I said he frowned and glared at me 

"fine Summer but you'll see" he said I sighed and I was back in the bed and the doctor was stairing at me"summer did you hear what I said"

"what"I said 

"I said we cant because tommorow is the only free day we have for the ultra sound"

"oh OK" I said he left and talked to Luke and Louis I yawned and laied on my side I turned the T.V. on they both came in and sat down Louis kissed my forhead and said "I think you should be ok"

"ya I hope so but either way it's ok"

"ya" Louis said combing his fingers through my hair 

"I love you Lou" 

"I love you to" he said Luke smiled and looked at me

"I love you to lukey" I said hugging him he hugged me back 

"I love you too mom" he said I pulled a blanket over me and watched T.V.


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