chapter 36

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chapter 36

After Louis and Luke left and I thought if what happened was real or just my imagination going wild I sighed and watched TV I heard a knock on the door "Come in" I said I saw it was Eric he gave me a sweet smile "hi summer" he said cheery I was speech less "summer are you ok?" he asked

"why are you here weren't you here yesterday?" I said

"what are you talking about Summer I wasn't here yesterday" He said

"bu-you oh" I said

"what happened?" He asked sitting next to me

"well I imagined that you were hurting my child and you wouldn't stop" I said

"listen Summer I would never do that" Eric said looking into my eyes

"OK" I said sighing in relief he smiled and hugged me I smiled at him about an hour later the doctor walked in and Eric was still here he walked over "Summer we have to do the ultra sound now" he said I nodded and he brought the stuff in "eric wanna wait outside till the ultra sounds done"

"ok I'll get some food" he said walking out of the room they brought in the stuff for the ultra sound and set it up


Eric walked in and rushed over and hugged me "are you okay?" He asked letting go and looking into my eyes I wiped the tears from my eyes and shook my head "what happened"

"I need to call louis over here now!" I said Eric handed me the phone and I quickly dialed Louis he answered "hey sum....."

"Lou get here now" I said

"Ok" he said within 5 seconds he was here he walked over "Lou so they did the ultra sound today and well....... the baby uhh dies" I said he looked at me and tears fell down my face he hugged me and said "its going to ok I  promise you"

"ok" I said he let go and pushed my hair behind my ear and kissed my cheek "hey im gonna go you guys so see ya later"

"bye Eric" I said then he left the doctor came in and said

"well were gonna give you surgery tommorow around 6 am then on Friday you'll be home and you won't be able to eat for a couple of hours ok"

"alright" I said

"if I wanted to stay here with her where would I stay?" Louis asked

"uh you would have to you sleep on the chair all I can say"the doctor said

"ok" Louis said then the doctor left and louis kissed my forehead and said "I promise you everythings going to be just fine" I kissed his lips and said "I hope so" he smiled and sat in the chair

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