chapter 30-Parents

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chapter 30-Parents

I woke up with Louis's arms wrapped around me I smiled and he woke up "Morning summer" he said "Morning....." "FUCK YOU WORLD!" I was cut off by Eliza screaming I got out of bed and walked into the hall and saw Sean he was staring into space he was on the ledge of the stairs and Eliza was trying to open a water bottle I zoomed downstairs and grabbed it and opened it damn water bottles" she mumbled under her breathe I poured the water on him and he gasped and grabbed the railing "WHAT THE FUCK!"he screamed he stepped back on the stairs and walked down his hair was soaked I laughed and put glitter on it "Now you Edward" I smiled I passed the mirror and saw the bruise I frowned and wondered what would Luke think "hey your parents are coming in 5 minutes" Eliza screamed from the kitchen Oh shit what would my parent's think they would hurt Louis. I looked up at Louis who came downstairs "Lou my parents are coming what should I do if they see my eye"

"wait why didn't it heal?"

"ELI!" I shouted she came over and looked at me

"oh shit Sum how hard did he hit you?"

"I have no clue but I know it really wasn't him it was carter and when I blacked out Carter blamed it on him cause I didn't see so.." Sean ran to me in a blur

"WHAT!" he snapped

"it was Carter" Eliza said

"I'm going to kill that SON.OF.BITCH"

"no I hurt him already" Louis said then the door bell rang I grabbed the closest thing to me which turned out to be Luke's transformer sunglasses I opened the door and they gave me a weird look "Hi mom dad" I said "Hi Luke" I said they walked in and Evelyn and Damon walked in

"what happened?" Damon asked

"nothing" I said he took the glasses off my dad looked at me and then at Louis with a death glare he lifted his fist and I ran in front of Louis and grabbed it

"NO DAD!" I screamed


"It wasn't him"

"then who was it" he snapped lowering his fist

"it was......"

"Sam" Louis said "where is he"

"he left"

"next time" my dad snapped and walked away from me and Louis my mom came over "your father" she sighed


"hes being a dick since...."

"since what.?"

"never mind I'm gonna go talk to Sean"

"OK?" I said "hey Luke" I said hugging him

"Hi mommy" he said hugging me back "you miss me?" I asked "no" he said "why?"

"mommy I'm kidding" he said "oh you almost mad me cry" I said he giggled and I put him down and went to the kitchen with Louis and Luke and they all immediately stopped talking I looked at my mom then my dad. My dad gave Louis a dirty look I rolled my eyes and went to the fridge and grabbed me some juice and poured Luke some too I handed Luke a cup and he went to the living room with Louis I followed them I sat next to Louis "summer what age is he gonna stop growing"

"20 same with Evelyn and Damo it's just that when there little they grow up faster and when they get into 6th then they start to grow like a normal child would"

"Ohhh" louis said Luke looked at us and smiled right now he was already 8 he stood up and walked to the kitchen I listend in to what they were talking about

"so sean how come we haven't heard from your sister?" 

"shes been busy" Sean said

"really then why is it whenever I call shes not home"

"mom did you not just here what I said she's been busy"

"ok whatever you say Sean" I rolled my eyes 

"whats she been doing?" my dad asked in a strict voice 

"I dont now can we move on from that topic" Eliza said

"fine" my mom said I looked at Louis who was watching tv eating a piece of candy I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder and fell asleep

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