Chapter 11-I'm getting married

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Chapter 11-I'm getting married(6 months after Eliza's)

I woke up and walked to the kitchen I was sleeping on the couch I wondered was Louis ever back from his night out with the guys I made coffee and put it my mug but added blood to it and walked upstairs I peeked in out room but Louis wasn't in there I sighed and just went back downstairs I grabbed my coffee plopped on the couch and turned the T.V. on I slouched more in the couch and thought to myself "Wheres Louis?" I drank the last drop and got a call on my phone

"hello?" I said


"ya who's this?"

"Eliza I'm calling you from Tyler's phone I found Louis"

"is he OK?"

"no he's um he's dead"

"What?" I said my lip trembled and I hung up the phone I threw it across the room and got so sad I curled up and cried and then the door swung open I lifted my head and saw Louis I ran towards him and hugged him he held me tight "I thought you were gone forever" he said I looked up and his eyes were watery and he was crying

"same here" I said and I dug my face into his body and he kissed my fore head A couple minutes later they came back laughing and Eliza said "so whats up dead...."

"SAVE IT" I snapped

"what do you mean?"

"you tricked us into thinking he was dead"

"and she was dead"

"but we rent you with...."

"NO" I said her eyes went wide and mouth dropped open "Summer I'm so sorry I didn't mean it" she said hugging me and Louis "Its OK" I said

"ya" Louis said 4 hours later I stood in front of the mirror my dress fit perfect Eliza walked and said

"beautiful" I turned to Eliza and smiled she hugged me and said "your dads here" I let go and saw my dad also walked in " hi princess"

"hi daddy" I hugged him then let go he handed me a box I opened it was a necklace that was my grandmas he put it in and said "I'm giving you away"

"remember dad you will always be my first love"

"I know sweetie"

"Summer ready?" Eliza asked

"ya" I looked at my dad and we walked down the beach aisle and Louis was smiling I got up to him and held his hands

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God in Paradise, and into which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined." the priest said then we said our vows

"I, Louis grant Hartley, take thee Summer Frost Smith to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us depart, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth." Louis said as I put the ring on him

"I,Summer Frost Smith take thee Louis grant Hartley to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to be bonny and buxom at bed and at board, to love and to cherish, till death us depart, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth." I said as he put the ring on me

"the power vested in me I know pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" Louis grabbed my hips pulled me closer and kissed me my cousin sam came up to me"hey sammy"

"hey summer"

"Hi im Louis"

"i figured that much Oh Summer have you meet my fiance ronnie" a 6'1" guy walked up he had icey blue eyes brown hair a cute smile and said "hi summer im ronnie her fiance"

"hi ronnie" then Eliza came up to me she had her hand on her back and was eating "hey im Eli her bestie and you are" Sam just started at Sean

"Hi sam" Sean said not pleased to see her


"by the way Sean and Eli are married and Eli has 2 babies due"

"thats nice"I looked at her

"Look sam you have to get over what happend 7 years ago Okay" I snapped and walked away Eliza and I sat down at a table "why do they not like each other"

"OK so when sam and sean were 13 Sean really liked her best friend so when Sam went to the bathroom me and well sams best friend kacie we were sitting down on her phone and we were outside and Sean pulled his pants and boxers down and shoved it in kacies mouth and then pulled his pants up and kissed her cheek then ran inside" eliza looked at me and busted out laughing and then everyone said something about me and Louis then we went home and fell asleep

My fiance's a vampireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora