chapter 34-what if I left?

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chapter 34-what if I left?

After watching the movie I got up and went to the kitchen Eliza followed me I grabbed a blood bag and poured it in a cup "hey Summer can I talk to you?" she asked her voice low

"ya whats up?" I asked

"well me and Sean wanted to get a bigger house so we looked and we found one and so we bought it and ya"

"so where are you moving?" I asked


"oh that's pretty far" I said 

"ya it is well I wanted to be closer to Jayy since I became so close to him ever since I meet him in real life"

"oh  are the kids happy about it"

"ya there really happy"

"well that's good when are you moving?"


"oh OK now?"

"ya were leaving now"

"OK well I'll see you around right?"

"I hope" she said she went upstairs with Sean,Evelyn and Damo Louis walked up the stairs and hugged me "I know how you feel babe" 

"no shes my best friend and now well were related and shes moving I don't even know when they started looking for a house and she just made it worse by telling me now" I said holding him  they were already by the door I let go I  looked at Eliza,Sean,Evelyn,and Damo I smiled and hugged them 

"i'll see you guys soon" I said letting go of them then before I knew it they were gone I shut the door and sighed "hey cheer up we have the whole house to our selves now"

"but there's Luke?" I said

"no he went with them" he said smirking 


"what I let him go with them"


"ya hes gonna live out there"

"what!" I snapped

"don't worry we can always have another one" he said resting his hand on my shoulder I started to  hyperventilate 

"calm down breathe" he said

"how can I breathe my baby is half way to Arizonia!" I snapped 

"well we can always have another baby and we can go to Arizonia also they csn come here" Louis suggested 

"well I dont know you chose"

"can I fuck you again?"

"how soon can he comeback?" I asked calming down

"his birthday"he said rubing the back of his neck

"next year" I said he grabbed my hands 

"look at the bright side we can have another kid and it can be a girl or another boy"

"ok just leave me alone for now okay" I said 

"ok I love you" he said kissing my cheek

"I love you too" I said kissing him then he went back downstairs and I heard that he put on some sports I walked to the living room and curled up under the covers I watched television and I dozed off.

I woke up at 12 am and went downstairs and saw Louis he was sleeping on the couch I walked into the kitchen but it wasnt my kitchen it was Eliza's kitchen I saw Luke sitting down at the kitchen table  he was 15 years old already  I smiled  "Luke!" I said he looked over at me and cocked his head

"im sorry do I know you? do you go to my school?"

"no silly im your mom"

"arnet you a little young to be my mom"

"Luke really you dont remember your own mom"

"no because she let me go with her best friend Eliza at 8 and then her and Eliza never spoke again" 

"oh ok bye" I said and rushed out of the kitchen I bumped into Eliza "ELI!" I said

"im sorry I dont know you please leave"

"ya I will leave" I said and then Sean and Louis looked at me 

"hey whos she she's hot" Louis said 

"oh I know who she is I think she works with Eliza"

"SEAN I DONT KNOW HER!" she yelled from the kitchen I bite my lip and rushed out of the house 

"Summer,Summer!" I heard someone call my name

My eyes shot open "Summer wake up!" Louis said I looked at him and hugged him 

"are you okay babe?" he asked 

"no I just had a terrible dream" I said letting go 

"what was it about?"

"well I dreamt that everyone including you forgot me" I said 

"its prettty hard to forget you babe"

"thanks Lou" I said hugging him I looked into his eyes and kissed him 

"I love you" I said holding him 

"I love you too" he said kissing my cheek I smiled and he smiled back I kissed him and he kissed back "hey wanna do something we haven't done in a while"he said 

"what?" I giggled

"this" he said ripping off my clothes then I ripped of his I smashed my lips against his and wrapped my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands were under my ass holding me up he kissed my lips and slowly  made his way down to make neck the next thing I knew I was pinned to the floor he whispered in my ear "would you do me? I do me. I do me so hard."

"I would do you. I would do you so hard that you won't even remember what happend/" I giggled

"thats why I love you summer" He said he kissed my soft spot and I moaned and he kept  kissing there and making me moan I grabbed his neck and I kissed him before I knew it we were on the couch under the covers I held him "I love you babe" I said 

"I love you too babe" he said kissing my forehead and he dozed off and so did I.

My fiance's a vampireHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin