Chapter 10-Wedding(Eliza's pov)

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Chapter 10-Wedding(Eliza's pov)

I woke up to my phone ringing "Hello"

"Hi Eliza it's me Jayy" my eyes shot open and I shot up

"hey is your plane coming soon?"

"ya in"

"Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry Jayy"

"it OK" I ran downstairs put my jacket on and opened the door and Jayy,Dahvie,and Summer were standing there "What" 

"hey Eliza"

"Hi Jayy" I said hugging him he was warm against my cold body I realized I had short shorts on and my tank top that said bitches get stitches I smiled and hugged Dahvie and said "thanks summer" they walked in and Louis and Sean walked down the stairs and Louis decided to say "so I told summer I could put my boner in her and she's like no thanks but I did while she was asleep"  and they all looked at summer I just pushed past everyone and dragged Louis into the kitchen "you did what to her?"

"I'm kidding Sean knew it but they dint so shh"

"but...." I began but Louis said

"shh" I gave him a death look and said  "so do you want me to help you with your bags" I asked Jayy

"ya" he said handing me a medium black duffel bag and I followed him upstairs and I walked into the guest room and sat on his bed  "so how do you like Michigan so far"  I asked him crossing my legs unzipping the bag and found a whole bunch of hair supplies 

"its good"

"whats the best part about Michigan" I asked looking out the window and opened the window

"I dont know i guess this house and you your pretty cool"

"aw thanks" I said unzipping his black and purple suitcase and opened it I handed him a pile of clothes at a time when we finished I stood up  "thanks Eliza" he said hugging me I walked out and shut the door I did a happy dance and walked towards the bathroom then I saw summer she 

slammed the door and walked out with a scared look on her face she looked at me and I cocked my head "what's wrong" come here she said dragging me into the other guest room we had she locked the door and sat on the bed "Eli Dahvie likes me"


"no right now he just tried to get in my pants i mean I would have let him if I wasn't getting married to Louis"


 "I told you he likes me but not as a friend he wants to be more than that"

 "come on we have to tell someone"


 "Jayy he'll talk some sense into Dahvie"

"I don't want Jayy beating Dahvie"

"OK fine he'll tell him"

"OK" I unlocked the door and we walked back to Jayy's room I didn't mind to knock so I just barged in on Jayy but he was just watching TV "hi Jayy sorry to bother but we have little problem" I said walking in"no its fine whats wrong?" he said sitting up

"Summer tell him"

"ya summer tell me"

"OK so I was helping dahvie and I asked him what he liked about Michigan and he said me and when I turned around from opening the windows he pinned me up against the wall and held my hips and whispered I could be the best thing about him and I freaked out and well um..."

"I know you guys are vampires Eliza told me but Dahvie doesn't so go on" Jayy said

"OK well I zoomed to the door and he was like how the fuck did you do that and I just ran out and then ya"

"but Dahvie knows your with Louis but why did he do that" Jayy said

"that's what I was wondering" Summer said

"OK I'm gonna go ask" Jayy said walking out of the room a couple minutes later Jayy walked back in with Dahvie and they sat down on the bed

"so Dahv dahv tell us" I said

"OK my feelings took over me and I just really like you and I'm sorry for startling you"

"aw look sum hes so cute" I said

"its OK Dahvie we can still be friends"

"Ya" Dahvie said hugging Summer.  

The day of the wedding

my eyes shot open and I jumped out of bed Sean was in the bathroom he walked out and I pounced on him and kissed his lips and whispered "were getting married and Its.." I said but Sean interrupted "I know and happy birthday baby" about 2 hours later I was in  cousins room looking in the mirror Summer walked in and said "you look beautiful" 


"always and my bros lucky to be marrying you"

"thanks girl" then my dad walked in

"Im gonna leave you two alone"Summer said leaving

"ok " I said hugging my dad

"im giving my only girl away" I smiled

"Its ok daddy I will always Love you"

"I will always love you to"

"Ready Eli" my cousin said I walked out to see sean we walked towards him and held his hands and the priest began

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God in Paradise, and into which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined." then we said our vows

"I, Sean Kyle Smith, take thee Eliza Roux Winters to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth."

"I Eliza Roux Winters take thee Sean Kyle Smith to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to be bonny and buxom at bed and at board, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth." we finished and the priest said "I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss" I smiled and Sean dipped me and kissed 

(Elizas wedding outfit with brides maid dresses) 

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