Next thing I know I have a fake lip ring, I had a shit ton of ear cuffs and she had me on a leash. Literately. "Is this really what they go for nowadays?" I asked more whining then asking. She was smiling at me flashing her very long fangs. I ignored them though and frowned at her "I look like a pimp" I told her and she grasped the collar of my white undershirt and ripped it down the middle. She only shopped tearing it apart when the vest got in the way. "There, now you look like a vampire's servant, I just need to do one last thing then you're good" she said and I huffed "You going to get my eyebrows pierced next?" I asked her causing that mischievous smirk of hers "No, I have to mark you" she told me and my eyes widened "Oh no you're not" I growled taking a step away from the centuries old vampire. "Don't worry I'll just use paint" she said holding up an ink well and feather in her right hand that I neglected to spot before. "Fine" I groaned and tilted my head to the side.

She then slowly dipped the quill in the ink and slowly drew on my skin. "The ink is cold" I whinnied and I felt her breath against my skin as she sighed "I thought you where women, not a child" she asked me and I closed my eyes trying not to move as she finished 'marking me'. Usually this meant her fangs in my neck but I guess vampires had their own way of claiming what was theirs.

She pulled away "Done" she said and I looked back in the mirror. Two small X's on my neck where her fangs I'm guessing we're suppose to penetrate my skin... it also covered up where she would have 'bitten' me. "I really look like one of those shady people selling vampire blood" I said and Sigil laughed. It got me thinking about that though. Selling of vampire blood.

It was a so called drug; it was illegal but made you 'high' so to say. For a vampire and what their eating to drink each other's blood was some sort of strong bond between the two. Not just master and food but something else entirely. "Sigil?" I asked still wondering if I should even call her that or her real name. "Yes?" she asked. I could feel her eyes looking me up and down even though my own eyes were trained on my reflection and the fact that she wasn't in it. "What does it mean to you, when you give your blood to a human and you drink from that human?" I questioned and turned around to face her. Her eyes widened a bit taken off guard. "Well... I don't think you would understand it unless you did that with a vampire" she said trying to avoid the topic.

"Well I was just wondering how deep the bond was?" I asked innocently enough. She seemed uncomfortable with it though. "Well... consider a marriage, but the bonds of that marriage made you tied together as one? Like your other half not mentally but also physically. You could see through their eyes, feel what they feel and since it happens when in love you feel the unconditional love your other half has for you... it works both ways I guess" she said and my eyes widened.

"So if you were to have sex and you both had a orgasm at the same time would it feel like double that?" I asked and realized what I just asked her but choice to stay quiet and see what she said. "I... would um guess?" she said and I smiled at how flustered she was. "Cool" was my response as I turned heel looking back into the mirror. "Gonna let me dye your hair blond yet?" I asked. "No" was her growl as she turned to the door walking out. I heard the front door open and close again in her wake. My brother always said I had a strange tendency to ask immature questions without realizing it. He was definitely right.


As night fell I hadn't seen Sigil since I asked to dye her hair blond. I was putting some knives hidden over my body just in case when I heard the front door open. "Who is it?" I sang the words as I was fixing the knife to fit comfortably in my boot. "A thief here to rob you" I heard Sigil though she didn't sound happy she came up the stairs and I stood up walking out of the work room. "Oh last thief that came in here found himself cooking over the fireplace" I said and I was going to add something to that when I saw Sigils dark red hair and bright red eyes. "Oh my mistress has red hair now?" I asked. She had pulled it out of its usual braid and she smelled like blood. I wasn't one to question that though. "Let's just get this over with" she said and I smirked "The mistress is always right" I said winking at her before walking past her and down the stairs.

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