Chapter 18- A Noble Rescue

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A week slowly crawled by, and James was beginning to worry about Lily. Of course, the first few days all the teachers just stated that the rescue mission for Lily was under way; and that she would be brought back quite soon. Every day, James started to believe that Lily was not going to be rescued any time soon and that she was, beyond a doubt, hopeless. 

But that's when the letter came.

Carefully tearing the seal, James' eyes flashed across the page. 

Dear Mr. James Potter, 

As you know, there have been many Death Eater attacks in and out of school areas. Because of recent events, we believe that Tom Riddle (also known as Voldemort) is gaining power and needs to be stopped. To address this issue, please come to my office at 12 (you will be excused for your classes). The password is "Chocolate Frogs". I will discuss things with you and some others, and it is imperative that they remain secret. It is crucial you make this meeting. Perhaps involving the life of Ms. Lily Evans-

The rest of the letter meant nothing to him. If this meeting would help bring her back, then he would do it.

Transfiguration ticked by and James was anticipating the meeting. He was very tempted to ask Sirius if he would be attending as well, but he knew that the contents of the letter were meant for him and his eyes only. 

At twelve o'clock, he saw Sirius, Remus, Peter, and two others stand up and walk out. He followed them, happy to know that his gang was in it with him. 

"Mate! You got that creepy note from Dumbledore too?" Sirius asked, clearly pleased that his friends would be joining him.

"Yup! And we're going to go save-"

"Oi, shut up about that girl for once, mate." Sirius snapped, and immediately apologized once he saw James' face fall. "Oh, sorry, mate. I-I didn't mean that! Seriously, dude. I wish I could see that goofy smile on your face more often."

As Sirius rambled on, begging for James' acceptance, Remus gaped at Sirius, for Sirius never said sorry. Never. And here he was, begging at James' feet. 

James forgave his friend, and they joined with a group of approximately 15 others heading for the same office. 


"Lemon drops are my favorite candy..." Dumbledore offered each attendee a bowl full of them, and James eagerly stuffed his face with the delicious sugar treats. 

"Well, as you are all assembled here, I will not stall any longer and steal from your precious class time. As most of you know, Tom Riddle is forming an army of followers whom he calls 'Death Eaters'." Dumbledore paused, "If any of you are uncomfortable facing a huge army of strong wizards who may or may not kill you, please step outside or tell me after this meeting. I will not tolerate any forcing to join."

"Join what?" Dumbledore rose a hand to stop the swarms of questions that ran through everyone's mind. 

"Why, I would be asking you to join The Order of the Phoenix. Surely, you have heard of the rumors. We now look to the younger generation for new fighters who may be smarter than we are. "

Everyone in the room gasped. The rumors had been spreading like wild fire; they told of a group of well trained wizards who fought evil. 

Dumbledore waved his hand, and a piece of parchment appeared in his hand. "If you would like to sign up now, you may. However, I will give you time to think. This is no easy decision. If you sign this, you may be signing a death warrant. But anything worth doing has risk."

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