Chapter 10- Still in Denial

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Lily stared at the cloth above her bed. An open window made small ripples in the fabric, and she could almost make out shapes.

Glancing for the 50th time at her clock, Lily frowned when she realized only 10 minutes had passed; it felt like hours.

Lily knew why she couldn't sleep. James was on her mind. Like 24/7. She was sure he might have still been playing her, but she still couldn't stop thinking about him and his sweet smile.

Besides, how could he ever fall for a nerdy redhead who called himself jerk for the first 6 years of knowing eachother.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't see Marlene get out of bed.

"Hey, Lily?"

Lily jumped in shock, and swiveled her head toward Marlene.

"Mar? I'm sorry I got freaked out, it's just that I didn't see you get up."

"Nah, it's okay. Anyways, Lily, I was kinda wondering what James did to ya during lunch..." Marlene's voice trailed off once she realized how awkward her question was.

"Well, he just showed me the view of the castl-"

"You were on a bloody broomstick!"

"Yeah, yeah." Lily waved her hand, dismissing the subject. "And then, we had a rooftop lunch-"

"Holy Merlin! What were you doing on the bloody roof? And since when did you trust Potter to safely keep you on a bloody roof?!" Lily winced at Marlene's loud voice, but just flashed a goofy grin.

"I think I lo-like him. Yeah, I think I like him a lot."

Marlene's eyebrows rose at Lily's slip up, but decided not to bring it up.

"Lil, you know he could just be playing-"

"I know! And that's the worst part of it. I like him, and even knowing that he might play with my feelings, I still like him. I like him."

Marlene grinned, but she couldn't help feel bad for Lily. Being in a one way relationship with the biggest player in school was a strange move, but who was Marlene to question her friend's love life. Wait, love life? Since when was this a love-

Almost at once, a plan was formulating in Marlene's head. If I could just-maybe I could-when I do that...

Interrupting her friends thoughts, Lily muttered, "I'm gonna go to bed. Night Mar." She yawned and slammed her head into her pillow.

A few seconds later, Marlene heard Lily's breathing steady. Instead of falling asleep, Marlene's thoughts swirled about how she could get James to admit what he felt to Lily.

Messing with to-be-couples was her specialty, and what could possibly go wrong?

She could feel her eyes slowly closing, so she leaned back and let her eyes shut.

Lily's eyes snapped open as the window's curtains let some light escape into her eyes. Rolling over in her covers, she sighed and pushed a pillow over her face to stop the light from reaching her eyes.

Instead of getting more sleep, she felt her covers whip off of her. She moaned, and kicked her legs out. She heard an oof and she quickly lifted her head.

Muttering a half hearted appology, she slipped off her bed and examined the figure before her.

Marlene was on the floor, groaning and hugging her stomach.

Seeing her friend in such a pathetic situation, Lily let out a giggle, "Mar. I'm so sorry!"

Marlene shot Lily a dirty look, and Lily just smirked at her friend.

"I try to wake you up, and this is how you repay me?" She screeched, and Lily burst into a new fit of giggles.

"Mar, relax. I told you that I'm sorry so get off of the floor and act like a proper young lady."

"Okay, fine. I will only forgive you if-"

"If it has to do with James, count me out."

Marlene sighed; she would just have to wait.

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