Chapter XVIII: Return Home Safe

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Moby Dick

One week after the night of the lunar eclipse

"NO! Don't go Thatchy!"

"Sorry, kid. I've got go and defend Pops' name. Those no-name pirates can't make a mess of one of our islands and get away with it." The fourth division commander knelt down to grab the straw hatted child in a one-armed hug. "I'll only be gone for couple of days. Time will fly, and the next thing you know, I'll be back on the Moby Dick." Thatch gently put Luffy down and patted his messy black hair before putting the straw hat back on Luffy's head.

"You promise?" Luffy sniffed.

"Promise. I'll return home safe and sound."


The commander had not returned after the second day. Marco assured the boys that Thatch was safe, the delay was because the pirates were dragging out the chase. The fourth commander reported in that the pirates had given the fourth division the slip and had retreated to their island base. If all goes well, Thatch would return home sometime during the third night. But no matter the how much the crew members tried to get the fox to cheer up, Kit just couldn't shake the growing sense of wrongness.

Suppressing another sigh, Kit decided to climb into the crow's nest, his newest book tucked into his knapsack sling as he shifted into his black fox form. In a matter of minutes, Kit climbed the mast, and his eyes met those of the first awaiting first commander. Pineapple head did not indicate any acknowledgement of the fox beyond a few words.

"Still worried - yoi?"

The fox only tilted his head once before setting himself at the first commander's feet and slipping his book out of the bag. Maybe a new story could distract him. The next story in his book of Devil Fruit Legends through the Ages displayed a swirly, purplish fruit that kind of looked like some oversized grapes. Huh. "The power that overcomes all others"?


When will you come home Thatchy? The young boy reflexively pulled on his straw hat. Luffy had sat on the figurehead of the Moby Dick for the past hour. He just couldn't work up the energy to play right now or train with one of his brothers. He felt restless. No matter what Luffy did, he couldn't shake the sense of dread that had lingered with him since the fourth division commander had left the ship. Please, come home safe Thatchy. You promised, didn't you?

Enemy Island Base


Marco had grossly understated the power of these rookies, thought Thatch as he parried another slash aimed at his face. He had finally caught up to these disrespectful bastards, but instead of trying to do the decent thing and surrender, they slashed and burned some of Pops' flags. They had the stupidity to do that right in front of the fourth division. That was it. They were out for blood. Those cowards even tried to mock Pops while they did it. Thatch intercepted another cannonball, slicing it with a haki-infused slash. These rookies may not have the sharpest of minds, but they could fight tooth and nail. Even outmatched, their knowledge of the island and several well-place booby traps were what kept them alive so far. But not for long. Thatch gave his latest opponent a grim smile.

The Moby Dick


Ever since Thatch had left, Luffy had just laid around on the figurehead, distantly staring at the sea. The eldest D had acted no better. He would disappear for a few hours before suddenly reappearing on the deck or in the galley. Neither boy probably had slept very well the past two nights if the increased narcoleptic attacks during meal times was any indication. Speaking of which ... Damn it! ... Luffy head slumped forward, and Ace raced to grab his little brother's tee. BONK!

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