7. Dreams

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" Charlie.." Luke says, struggling to breathe, streams of tears scurrying down his pale cheeks.

"L-Luke.. What is it?" I ask, talking through tears of my own. I watched him as he lay there, his aura dimmed, his once sparkling blue eyes now dull and sad and covered mostly by his drooping eyelids.

"You have to trust me." He said weakly. I shook my head slowly, knowing what was next.

"Luke, no. It's not.. You can't go." I say, letting out a cry. I watched as his pale, cold hand slowly trailed up my arm, across my shoulder, up my neck, caressing past my jaw, and rests on my cheek. His thumb slowly wipes away a fallen tear, and he tucks my hair behind my ear. I let out another cry.

"Shh," he coos. I look up at the sight around us. Everywhere was blurred with gray smoke, and off in the distance there were glows of orange everywhere and the sound of breaking and snapping as fires burned. I look down at him, a tear falling down my cheek and onto his hand. I watched as that tear sparkled on his pale skin and evaporated within seconds.

"You'll be ok. We'll be ok." I say, laying my hand on his chest. I saw him smile at my words.

"Charlie?" he says, using all the breath and strength he had. I look at him. Straight into his sad blue eyes.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I lo-" 

I whipped upward in my bed, gasping for air. My chest rose and fell with great speed and I frantically looked around my bedroom for smoke and a fire.. And then I looked for Luke.

"Luke?" I ask, tearing the covers off of me. I went to my window, slammed it open and looked out into the night. Seeing no sign of him, I took three tiny steps back and felt myself collapse back onto my bed. I instantly put my head in my hands and began crying.. Sobbing, not caring if anyone heard. I thrashed my hands out, hitting my bed. Why am I reacting like this?!

"Charlie?" I hear someone say. My door slams open, and I see my dad rush in. He was dressed in navy blue and gray plaid pants and a white shirt, and his face was filled with concern and worry. My mom rushed in after him, tying her robe together. My dad knelled beside me, instantly bringing his hand to my back and rubbing in circles in order to comfort me.

"Sweet heart what is it?" I hear my mom's comforting voice. I can't tell her about Luke. I can't. Not anyone.

"I-" I say letting out a cry, frantically trying to calm down my racing mind all the while trying to leave Luke out of my answer.

"I just had a, " I breathe, trying to tame my tears, "I just had a nightmare." I say, looking up and into my parents eyes. I wipe my tears away, and I noticed my hands were shaking from the dream. Please tell me that wasn't real. Please God.

"Ok, honey. We heard you crying and thought you were hurt." My dad explains. I shake my head at myself. I overreacted..

"I'm so sorry.. I," I pause, "I didn't mean to wake you guys." They smile softly and sadly at me, my dad still rubbing small circles into my back.

"You don't need to apologize, Charlotte, " My mom says, using my full name, " Everyone has those nights." She says. I nod slowly, looking away from their concerned stares.

"It was just so real." I whisper, shaking my head softly and looking out into the night where my window was opened.

"What was that Charlie?" my dad says. I quickly look at him and glance away.

"Oh, uh," I say. I didn't mean for them to hear. " Nothing. " I quickly say. 

"Alright, honey," My mom says, "Get some sleep ok?" She says, brushing my hair out of my face and gently kissing my forehead. I nod and watch as my parents make their way to my open door.

"Let us know if you need anything, kiddo." I hear my dad say. I look at him. His hand was resting on the door knob and the other about to switch off my light.

"Ok," I say softly. I wipe away the wetness on my red cheeks and watch as the room darkens from the lack of light. I look around the room. It was pitch black except for the soft light of the moon streaming through my agape window. I slowly get up, walking towards it, and then shut it softly, not wanting to make a lot of noise. The breeze that was softly blowing through my hair ceased, and I climbed into my bed, and instantly pulled my covers up to my chin as if the blankets would protect me from the dangers that lurked in the dark. 

I turn to my side and face the window, and focused on calming my uneasy breath.

"I hope you're ok, Luke" I say, suddenly remembering that he said yesterday the dreams he was in were real. I feel chills run across my body, quick like little mice feet. As I thought this, a glow of light suddenly encircled and engulfed my whole room, and an instant feeling of comfort overtook my racing mind. My heart beat slowed down to a peaceful pace, and my shaking hands calmed down to a rest, my eyes went dry of tears, and I felt a sense of love. 

At first, I had no idea what was happening, so I blinked a couple times before noticing it was him.. He was doing this. He was calming me down. Was it the light of comfort? I ponder the thought for a moment. 

Seconds later I feel my eyelids begin to droop and tiredness overtake me. But before I let myself slip into a peaceful sleep, I hear a faint voice.

"You're ok." Luke says. I smile, not opening my eyes for I knew it was him. I attempt to open my eyes, wanting to see Luke, but I couldn't. So instead, I worked up the energy to let out a whisper.

"Thank you." 


Ok, I had to listen to sad music to write the dream, goodness I hope it worked.. Well I hope you guys liked this one! I tried to end it on a peaceful and happy term :) Remember to vote and please comment what you thought about this chapter!

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