
*Liv's POV*

After Soryu drags me out of the penthouse he takes me all the way down to the casino.

"Why are we here?" I ask slightly taken back.

"Know how you won against Eisuke the other day," he asks.

"Yeah, how could I not," I answer smiling," the look on his face was priceless."

"So, how would like to put your skill against other professionals?" he asks looking down.

I think about for a few seconds," I would love to," I answer with a grin.

"What would you like to try first?" he asks leading me through the casino.

"Poker," I answer immediately.

"I hope you say that," he says leading me to a table that is in the middle of a round.

The table has no one I know there except Mei Ling who is looking steadily at her. " Hey," she say as we take a seat next to her.

"Hi," I say and take a look at her cards," anything wild?."

"The three's," she answers back quietly.

"Then get rid of those two and keep the rest," I whisper.

She looks at me for a second before discarding. The dealer than hands her back two cards.

"See now you have a straight flush," I whisper.

"Liv your a genius," she says grinning so only I can see.

" You may place your bets now," the referee says.

Some people only bet a thousand and then this one man bets ten thousand looking pretty confident in his hand. " Call it and raise it another ten," I whisper.

"Call, and I raise it ten thousand," Mei Ling says while putting the chips out everyone folds out at this except the man.

"You seem pretty confident," the man says," I'll raise it twenty thousand."

"Call," Mei lings says and pushes her chips into the pot.

"Show the cards,"the referee says .

"It was fun while it lasted," the man says putting down his cards, which show a straight.

"I believe I win," Mei Ling says putting down her straight flush. 

"The lady takes the pot which is a total of fifty-three thousand," the referee says.

"You play a good game," the guy says to Mei Ling.

"Thanks, but I did have a little help," she says.

The guy then notices me for the first time," You were the one calling the shots?" he asks slightly taken back.

I think before  answering," not really I was just said what to get rid of she was the one with the skill."

"Do you wanna play a round then?" the guy asks.

"Sure," I say smiling.

"This is going to be interesting," I hear Soryu mumble. I give him a confused look but he just shakes his head.

"The fives are wild," the referee says as he deals the cards. I wait until the ref is done dealing the cards before picking them up. I only have one five and nothing else good. I keep the five and get rid of the rest. The people around the table look at me like I did something crazy, I shrug them off. I get four cards in return, a ten, jack, queen, and ace, and since the fives are wild that will be my king and get me a royal flush.  On the outside I'm calm, thankfully, but on the inside I'm jumping for joy.

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