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We cant kind of accept the fact that Bailey did that to us. If it's the most humble and patient person in this pack, its Val.

Val : Guys, don't. Let me talk to her.

Val approached Bailey casually. She nudged her head as a sign to Bailey to step aside for awhile.

Val : Why did you do this?

Bailey : Nobody ever cared about me. So I ran away and asked a friend of mine to tell them that I died. I knew that all along I was just an annoyance in their life. Am I right, after the news they were happy weren't they? That proves everything.

Val : But that doesn't mean you can do that to them. Furthermore, you cant stay depressed for someone's who's gone, they accepted it. Yet you lied to them.

Bailey : So you're saying its my fault? *claws popped out*

Val : No of course not. Its just-

Bailey : I don't care what you think! *slaps Val and clawed her*

Val : *fell down*

Ken : *went up to Bailey, stared right into her eyes and growled at her*

Bailey : You cant tame me. Because I'm an Alpha. Just. Like. You. Lets go animals!

Bailey turned and walked away. Ken knew she was the Alpha. She calls her pack animals? Are they on some kind of drugs that they didn't realize? Ken noticed that his friends were in her pack. Marielle, Gabe, Josh Price, Kaycee, Sheaden, Tahani, Jenna and Josh Beauchamp.

Caiser : Is there something wrong here? Why aren't you with the rest?

Will : No sir.

Caiser : Then what are you waiting for? Move it!

Sean : Yes sir.

Caiser : By the way, just call me Caiser.

You and the pack ran and catch up with the rest. Seems like people are queueing for their room.

Sean : Seems like we have an enemy.

Val : Not until she crosses the line.

Vivien : But she just clawed you!

Boogie : A cut from the Alpha takes a long time to heal.

Val : We are the good guys remember?

Lady #2 at counter : Next! You guys are late, there's no more room for all of you so you'll have to separate.

Ken : There are nine more spots for all of us but two in here, two in there, two in this room, and three... In Bailey's room...

Jordyn : What?!

"Im not going in there."

"Me too."

"I cant stand it."

"Nope. No thanks."

You : I'll go.

Ken : Me too.

You : Can I have Tati?

Tati : Sure. Is that okay Will?

Will : Fine by me, if you're a help to them.

Ken : So Sean and Jordyn? Will and Vivien? Val and Boogie? Is that okay?

Boogie : Yup that's fine.

You : Val, you need to not be so humble. If Boogie's in trouble, you cant go tolerating anymore. Im counting on you.

Val : I'll try.

Ken : Thank you Val. We appreciate your effort.

Lady #2 : Okay, so please write your names in the respective rooms.

After writing down our names, we went into our rooms to settle down out bags and stuffs then went to change our clothes.

Y/N's POV;

From a distance, I can smell Bailey's scent, and I caught some movement at the door. I knee she was waiting for us.

-At the door

Bailey : Oh look who we have here.

You : Not today Bailey.

Bailey : Ooohh. Okay. But watch your back.

You : Whatever.


P/S; TADAA SEASON 4 HAGAHAGA🙀🙀🙀 anyways if anyone is wondering, each season has only 10 episodes bcs they are actually 20 episodes but every two episodes, i combine them so it would be longer and the reason why each episode is short bcs i upload then to my ig too so... yeah whatever dont worry bout it and im thinking season 6, the episodes will be longer bcs i'll start writing them here soooo cant wait to start writing them! okay no one cares so what do you think of this episode? 😵😵😱😂😌

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