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Authors note - just a heads up I was about 15 when I wrote this and I know there are a lot of things wrong with it. I have seen the comments about this but as I said I was 15 and I don't plan on changing anything now. My views then are most likely different now so read at your own will 🤣 Also I'm aware of how much heavy editing is needed for this but I won't be editing it sorry

Jace's P.O.V

I've always questioned my sexuality. Growing up the few guy friends I had, they always expressed how 'hot' or whatever they thought of girls around me were and I just never seen it. Don't get me wrong I can admit if a girl is pretty or beautiful but I've still never been attracted to them. I always seemed to notice the hot boys.

If we were at the beach, I would notice how all the boys toned bodies glistened in the sun and the water running down their bodies from the sea made them very appealing. I knew growing up I was different but I always played along and acted straight. I didn't want anyone knowing I was gay because I knew I would get bullied for liking guys but I couldn't help it and now at 16 years old I decided to tell me best and only friend Ella Walters that I was gay.

It was a big decision to tell her, I lay in bed for hours last night thinking how to tell her and wondering what she would say or do. If she would be accepting or if she would tell me it was wrong and disgusting. Eventually I had to push all the bad thoughts away and just tell her. So that's what I was doing now. Telling her, I asked her to come over to my house today, it was sunday so we didn't have school.

'Hey' I greeted her as she made her way into my room. Everyone loved Ella, especially my mom and dad so she always just walked into my house without knocking.

'Hello!' She said, cheerily as usual.

She jumped on me where I was sitting on my bed causing me to fall backwards. I let out a shriek, wouldn't be hard to figure out I was gay from the noise I just made...I was biting on my lip ring as well as running my hand through my black hair. This was what I did when I was nervous and it didn't fail Ella as she noticed and asked what was wrong. I just had to tell her, no beating round the bush so as blunt as I could I said it.

'I'm gay' I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for her reaction. All of a sudden I heard a squeal and looked at her. She jumped on me once again.

'I've always wanted a gay best friend!' I should have figured she would act like this. I was so worried over nothing. I let out a sigh of relief waiting for the questioning to begin.

'Who do you like?' and 'You need to get a boyfriend' were the first questions that she spoke faster than a bullet.

I simply replied 'No one and No I don't'

'Oh, c'mon you must like someone! and why not?' She dragged on the 'not'.

'I don't like anyone.. really' I confirmed when she gave a a 'really?' look.

'Okay then but I'm so happy! I have a gay best friend! Does that mean you'll come shopping with me?!'

'Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm a stereotypical gay! Jeez!'

'Okay, okay sorry. But I am happy for you'

I gave her a hug and we lay on my bed and watched some films until she had to go home. By that time it was already 9:30pm so I decided to take a quick shower and go to bed. I lay in bed thinking about whether or not to tell my parents, they were pretty open minded but I constantly thought it would be different if I told them I was gay. Would they accept me? Would they disown me? Or would they not accept it since I was their only child? all these thoughts and more ran around in my head until I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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