Act 23 - Haunted House: Part II

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Exotic had been lurking within the shadows for quite some time, watching the boys' foolishness while anticipating the perfect instant to strike. As they were having their moment, with Chung still being carried by Add, almost seeming 'romantic', she sighed, taking pity on how unfocused they were on the objective of the stimulation. She was underestimating their abilities, believing that she would be able to take care of the trash, even if it was a two-versus-one quarrel, without much of a hassle.

She slowly made her grand entrance, though she was all about the action rather than wasting time with friendly conversation, as she found it pointless. It was a battlefield, and that was where the self-proclaimed Queen of Destruction shined. Exotic didn't need to take the throne to rule over the Nasods; she simply needed pure power, however, she had no desire to steal the Empress' position in the first place.

"Assault Spear - Judgement!" she threw a gigantic harpoon in front of her, attempting to pierce through the pair.

The fact that they were extremely close together (due to Prince Seiker being in the Esper's arms), made it easier for Exotic to hit two birds with one stone. The duo had barely avoided the attack as it whizzed by, Add sliding on the floor as the Chaser was painfully dropped onto the ground in the process, as the Esper was unable to support the extra weight anymore.

The Nemesis revealed herself from the darkness, stepping in with her heels clinking and clanking on the squeaky floorboards. Lacking in mercy, she proceeded on with her next movement, not bothering to spare the boys, even for several seconds to recover. She aimed for Add first, since he remained lying flat on his stomach. Exotic stomped down onto his back with one foot, perhaps enough for his poor spine to fracture because of the overwhelming force spread out through the small area of the heel, causing a high amount of pressure to be exerted. He yelped out in pain, his reaction speed was unfortunately not fast enough to spring back up on his feet before the attack was delivered.

Chung's eyes dilated in fear, biting his lip as he attempted to rush over to the scene after making a jumping start with his cannon, pulling out his Silver Shooters while he was at it. He charged forwards, shooting several bullets diagonally from the air, though they were blocked when Exotic had secretly cast an Atomic Shield during the duration of Add's torture.

"Sharpshooter Syndrome!" Prince Seiker shouted, enhancing his bullets with a magical aura to penetrate through the field.

As the wielder of the Nemesis Code was unaware of such an ability, she took a shot from behind, recoiling as the strength of the barrier weakened. She receded her shoe from the Esper's back, fleeing to a further distance with her graceful steps, as it was more advantageous than melee in the current 2v1 situation.

"Damn! It's hard to control my dynamos when I'm being compressed like that..." Add complained as he weakly stood up (his back wasn't in the best shape), shameful of his weakness. "Ah, whatever, thanks for the help."

"No problem, Mr. Add, but there's no time for idle chatter!" Chung made another speedy movement towards Exotic, proceeding to fire his shots at the Nasod, countered by her equally swift spears.

Diabolic Esper provided support from behind, entering in buffs to enhance Deadly Chaser's stats for the ultimate omnipotence. He sent in kicks charged with electricity from his dynamos, in hopes of overloading the Code: Nemesis.

"Explosion Impact!" Exotic suddenly brought out a whip, unleashing it forwards as explosions occurred in a straight line, to send both of them flying back.

"Die, you commoners. You will get hurt; please evacuate the area while you still can... though unfortunately, that opportunity had passed a long time ago. Prepare to face your demise!"

Despite not doing too well to start off, the team had a plan; a card up their sleeve.


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