Quest to Olympus: Part II

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previously on Leo Valdez: Criminal Life....

*super cool anonymous flashback of last chapter begins*

Leo, Frank, and Jason flew above scouting the area as they traveled. Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel ran across the wide plain empty plains of Kansas. Hazel stopped and said, "Stop! I sense a massive amount of celestial bronze coming this way." Leo flew down and his tornado of fire spiraling around him dissipated. "Hey, we got Cyclopes with alot of bronze cargo. A small excavation site. They have a base where they are making bronze weapons. But we ain't talkin pilums and spatulas."

Jason flew down. "It's spatha, not spatula. And also, Leo is right. I'm seeing things like Ivlivs and Riptide. Weapons in disguise. I think they could be conspiring with mortals.

*flashback ends*

"Mortals? Cyclopes? Together? Please. Mortals can't even truly see Cyclopes. That's why Hecate created the Mist? Ever heard of it?" Hazel asked. Piper replied, "Well, our Oracle Rachel Elizabeth Dare gets prophecy sights from Apollo, and she's mortal. Maybe she could be running this." Frank inquired, "But if she is at Camp Half-Blood, shouldn't she be against Gaea?" Jason flew down again. "She is." Percy scratched his head. "But Cyclopes are with Gaea."

Leo finished, "So why would they conspire side by side?" Percy started running toward the camp. "Only one way to find out!" He yelled without looking back. Jason shrugged. He run after him. Leo grinned. "Seaweed Brain's gotta point." He ran. Annabeth frowned. "Only I can call him that!" The rest laughed and followed. Percy stopped about 20 feet in front of the camp and uncapped his pen. It transformed into Roughtide.

"Actually, I think we should go with Riptide right now, buddy." The trident transformed into its original state of Riptide. Jason run up next to him and grabbed his celestial bronze 5 foot pole. He squeezed it and it transformed into a lightning bolt. Percy stated, "Actually, you should leave it in pole mode until you really need it. We should law low."
Jason pointed at Leo running straight at the Cyclopes camp with his whole body on fire.

His hammer caught on fire as well and he whacked a cyclop in the face and kicked another in the gut. Percy did a facepalm as the others ran up behind him. Hazel looked at Leo. "I thought we were laying low on this one." Percy answered, "So did I," and ran to help Leo. "Oh Valdez," Frank said as he ran to their aid. Leo had made a pile of dead cyclop dust. Be had killed about 54 when Rachel Elizabeth Dare ran out. "What are you-"

She saw Leo. "Leo? What are you, why are you-" She pointed at the dead cyclop dust. "How did you kill so many cy-" She saw the seven together. "So you are the Seven of Prophecy destined to take down the Dark Legion of Gaea." Percy nodded. "Yep, we're pretty special. Anyway, may I ask why who have a camp of Cyclopes building Celestial Bronze weapons and armor?"

Rachel answered, "Because after the Titans and the Giants took over the world, she trashed the rest of the lesser weaker monsters. I mean who would want a cyclop when you have King Porhpyrion and Titan Kronos on the same team? Kronos killed his father with his signature scythe just for power, and Porhpyrion has much, much more power."

"We have a camp full of Half-Bloods, why aren't you at Camp Half-Blood?" Annabeth asked. Rachel answered, "They put me on a temporary 'vacation' for revealing the prophecy you seven are destined to fulfill. Now I own 80% of the Earth's celestial bronze. We are the first line of defense. We will attack the Dark Legion before you do, to soften them up. You guys can use your relics to finish them off."

"Do you have a chariot we could use that seats seven and a driver?" Jason asked.

"Of course we do."

"Can he take us to Manhattan?"

"He? No, no, it's a she."

Annabeth, Leo, Piper, and Percy said at the same time, "Oh no..."

Jason, Frank, and Hazel said at the same time. "What?"

Rachel said with a devious grin, "Classire, daughter of Ares."

Annabeth and Piper nearly collapsed. "She said it."

Percy rubbed his temples and dropped his sword. "Can't you take us?"

Faster than the blink of an eye, Cyclopes threw them in the chariot and Classire was at the wheel. Percy cursed. "Next stop, portal to Mount Olympus in Manhattan."

The chariot took off.

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