Leo Valdez

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Then...it all happened. I was working with a sphere of Celestial Bronze. I wished I had more to work with. I wanted to use an Archimedes sphere one day, but after Gaea killed meh mom, I was done with Greek Mythology. Tia Callida aka Hera told me I was destined to build the Argo II, and be it's All-Supreme Commander. I was destined to be the Slayer of Gaea, which I AM gonna do, but for now, the pain was still real. I did some things I wasn't supposed to and was wanted by Romans and even some Greeks, the origin of my heritage, my father Hephaestus.

I was tinkering with it. Now, the sphere could act as a smoke bomb. I walking into my mom's workshop and nodded at my uncle, Damien. "Damien, I'm back." I saw a tall strong blonde kid with close cropped hair, a Roman purple cloak, a white shirt with the letters SPQR written in purple with a gold laurel wreath beneath it. He wore dark purple joggers and Vans Sk8-Hi hi tops. I knew he was Roman.

So I played it cool. "Sup." "Leo this is...what's your name son?" "Jason. Jason Grace." "Well, this is Jason. He pointed a finger at me. "You! Freeze!" He exclaimed. He ran up to me. "Cya! Uncle Leo's got places to be." I dropped the sphere and a wall of smoke concealed my escape. I unhooked my battlehammer and dashed down a dark alley. I urged it to get warm and my hammer caught on fire. I had a feeling this Jason guy was a warrior, maybe even a contrition or praetor. I was right. He flew over me (he could fly?!) and flipped a coin.

He caught it mid air and it transformed into an imperial gold doubled sided deadly pointy blade. I was armed, but kept running. I wanted my neck to stay attached to meh body. He shot lightning at me. I threw a ball of fire a the lightning. A mini explosion pushed us both back with a cover of soot. Jason grinned. "Lets tango!" He stabbed his sword into the earth and punched me in the face.

I started to levitate off the ground in the middle of a fiery hurricane. "Sorry, you're not my type, Jason. I don't dance with bad boys." I blasted him in the face with a ball of fire. He yelled in pain and struck me with lightning. It hit me square in the chest. My inferno dissipated as I lost concentration and picked up my battlehammer. "A flaming battlehammer. Of course a son of Vulcan would own one of those." My retort was, "Jealous? Actually my dad is Hephaestus, the classic, original from of Vulcan. Badmouth my dad again and I'll knock that scar off your upper lip. In fact, Ill do it now." I swung. Hard.

Jason flew back. "Fine! Wanna use weapons? Graecus thug?" He slashed at me and cut through my shirt, turning it into a vest. "Hey, no slang praetor. I prefer fugitive!" I set my sphere on fire and swung my battlehammer at it like I was hitting a homerun. It hid him in the chest, pushing Jason into the wall. I sheathed my hammer and glided, not flew, hovered, there's a difference, to the top of the shop. I ran over Jason's head and dropped the hammer on his head. I heard a moan and nodded approvingly.

I urged a fiery hurricane around me. The oxygen in the air fuels my hurricane, allowing me to technically fly, but I prefer the term 'glide' because I don't want people calling me the Latino Superman. I flew down and retrieved my hammer. "And for the slang of calling me thug, Ill call you a slang term." Leo thought about Latin slang. "Thanks alot, you *****!" I flew away

Hey guys! Author's Note: Hey guys!! Hoped you enjoyed this part. Remember to comment, follow me, post requests because I will get to them. Join my profile chatroom and follow my debates. My current debate is, "Whos more powerful? Jason Grace or Percy Jackson? And yes, sooner in this story, Percy and the gang from PJO and HOO will appear. I don't own any of Rick Roridan's characters. The only one I own is Damien, who plays as Leo's long lost uncle, Esperanza's brother! Thx Bye!!!!

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