"Well, son of Vulcan..."

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Jason Grace POV

I awoke in Tartarus. "What?" I don't even get a trial in the Underworld. Then, I remembered. Wait, I did. They gave me a chance to venture here to destroy Leo Valdez. "Nice!" I punched my fist in the air. I stood up. I was wearing all black. Shoes, pants, shirt, cloak, armor, all with a glowing red eagle on my shirt. "Sacred animal of Jupiter.." I looked at meh hands. My whole body was glowing red, as if my clothes were trying to blend in with Tartarus's black earth and gloomy red skies.

I pulled IVLIVS out of my pocket. The coin was black like charcoal with a glowing red barrier around it as well. I flipped it and it turned into a wickedly sharp black glowing blade. "Well, son of Vulcan, you're in for a surprise!!" I grinned and flew into the deep skies of Tartarus. I found Leo almost immediately. He was looking way better than after what I did to him.

The Oldies the Fates healed him. I cursed. I flew down to face my opponent. "Jupiter!!" I yelled. Leo looked up from his blazing battlehammer. "Not gonna work, King Tartarus is the pit God, man. His domain, his body, his very ESSENCE, is a land beyond the reach of Gods. He yelled, "Hephaestus!" and his body burst into flames. "That's just because I have fire powers. Hephaestus didn't do anything right now. That was all me."

I looked at his clothes. Polished. The same ones from New Mexico, but brand new. They weren't altered to camouflage himself from the rest of Tartarus like me. Heh, probably so if somehow I don't kill him, he will he easier to see to the other monsters here. I pulled out my celestial bronze pole. It looked like a flag pole, but way shorter. It was about a yard in length, with a bronze low pulsing glow.

I urged lightning into the pole. Electricity flickered across the pole and it transformed into a gigantic glowing yard long replica of Jupiter's master bolt, back when he was a Greek. Zeus, I believe his name was. "I'm sooo scared. Leo's hammer transformed into a splitting image of Thor's hammer, the one from the Avengers. He pointed it skyward and a ring of fire pushed around him, knocking me off meh feet.

Leo ran up to me yelling, "I destroyed your little blade once, and I can do it again!!!" He kicked the bolt outta meh hand and the lightning instantly dissipated. It became a regular bronze bolt again. Leo picked it up. "Just maybe..." he squeezed the pole and the pole turned into a pure bolt of lightning made of FIRE! I got up and ran to him. I jabbed him in the face and he flew backwards and fell with a thud. He got up and threw his flaming hammer at me.

It hit me in the chest and it returned to his hand. Before I could recover, he threw the bolt at me. I rolled to the left and it struck the ground next to me. Before I could pick it up, Leo threw his hammer at the pole and it dented it. Forget the bolt. I flipped Ivlivs and charged at him with my black pilum. He swung the hammer at me, but I just quicker. I dodged it and tripped him with the flat of my blade.

He got up and judo flipped me. "Ahh!!" I wailed in pain. "Well...son of Jupiter. You know me as Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, but now you will know me as Leo Valdez...your Destroyer!!!" I kicked him in the chest and flew up. I urged hard and blasted the ground around him with lightning. I urged really hard and pointed at the dented bolt. Lightning flickered and it turned back into a lightning bolt.

I pointed at it and snapped my fingers, and instantly a ring of electricity pushed around where the bolt struck the ground. It shocked Leo's workboots up to his long black hair. He fell. I flew down and out of nowhere, he jumped up from the ground, did a backflip, and blasted me with a white hot searing beam of fire in midair. He landed on his feet and blew his steaming palm with a smile.

Half my face was covered in ash and my hair was blown back. Half of my hair was on fire. I urged the power of electricity and the lightning bolt flew from the dense earth straight to my palm. I aimed at his head quickly and let loose a blast of electricity.
I grinned. Just let loose enough to kill 50 men. I squinted through the smoke. Leo ran out of the smoke holding his battlehammer. "Ya missed, Grace!" He was about to kill me when a deep voice laughed and bellowed, "Well, Well, Well!" Leo frowned and turned. A giant of 40 ft stood before us. He had dreadlocks braided with shiny weapons, crusty weapons, new weapons, and old bloody weapons, probably prizes from demigods who died at his hand. He was a humanoid with dragonlike scaly legs. He stomped the ground and a glowing red spear shot from the Earth. The height. The hair. The weapon. It all came together.

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