Beating Baddies and Buddying Bromances

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Leo Valdez POV

So Jason Grace trudged ahead of me. He kept flipping his coin, sees if I upgraded it. Heh, I didn't. Sorry, Grace. It was about 3 hours until Jason dropped his sword and pulled out some ambrosia and nectar. Then, he grabbed a can of Dr. Pepper and made a big deal of it being delicious. He shook it in front of my face. "Ahhh, so cold and refreshing!" I blew fire into the can. "Not so cool, any more." He used his storm powers and dropped some hail into to can, instantly recooling it.

"JASON!!!! I GET IT, IT'S RESFESHING!! NOT SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND DRINK IN PEACE!!" And guess what happens. Jason starts to cry, right on the spot!

Sorry guys! I got bored so I made Jason I little...interesting :{D Enjoy!!!

"Wow, fine, be a baby! A Roman praetor crying." I nodded disapprovingly. He wiped his tears. "Uhh, Leo...? Is that..." Jason squinted. "A cyclops?" His eyes widened. "Oh gods! I can't take that thing alone!" I made a perplexed face. "You can't? But you destroyed Kronos's Throne and killed Titan Krios with you bare hands." Jason nodded. "Cyclopes are older than Titans, Gæa's first children. Ouranous threw them into Tartarus, making Gaea mad, birthing the Titans. See? Cyclopes are older. They should be with King Tartarus, the pit God. How are they here?" Jason really looked confused and a little scared for once.

"So, we running, flying, or fighting?" I asked. The cyclop chucked a rock at my chains and they broke. Jason squinted. "Well, cyclopes are persistent. Now that they see us, there is no running now..." That was all I needed to hear. I flew and picked up Ivlivs and imitated Jason. I flipped it and grabbed it in midair. Instantly, I was holding a wickedly sharp pilum. I usually bash and pound things with my battlehammer, but since Jason destroyed my hammer and the lance was already in my hand, why not.

I flew and cut the beast in the neck. The creature's neck was bleeding of ichor, the blood of immortals. "Ichor?! Than we can't kill him. He's immortal!" He can be sent to King Tartarus's wrath, but he will regenerate and come back 5 years from now! And give me my weapon. I got your hammer." I threw the spear and him while he threw my battlehammer at me. We both retrieved our weapons. He flew up next to me. I grinned at him and he actually grinned back. "Let's get him, Superman!" "Gladly!"

Jason and I shouted a battle cry and charged. Hard.

Leo Valdez: Criminal LifeWhere stories live. Discover now