Camp Jupiter

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Reyna Arellano Ramirez POV

"Where is Jason? It has never taken him this long to capture a fugitive.

Will Solace POV

I started down as Percy and Jason battled. I looked at Nico. One look and we knew the game plan. We could read each other well. The other Apollo kids help Leo while We get revenge on Camp Jupiter. After 45 minutes, we are above the camp, near New Rome. We set our arrows on fire and aimed at someone wearing a purple praetor cloak like Jason's. She looked up, and we released our bowstrings.

Reyna Arellano Ramirez POV

I looked up. I saw three pegasi with Greek warriors mounted. Suddenly, three flaming arrows were flying at me. I pulled out my dual knives. I blocked the first one with the knife in my left and the second arrow with the knife in my right. I threw my daggers into the air and caught the third arrow midflight.

Will Solace POV

Oh, sees good. With deadly aim, she turned the arrow so the flaming point was facing me, and threw it right at my Pegasus's vertebrae. My Pegasus shut his eyes and spiraled toward the Earth. Then, the girl walked up to me. "The horse shouldn't pay for your arrogance, but you will." The praetor aimed a dagger at my neck. "Where's Jason Grace?"

"Jason Grace who?" I retorted. "Never heard of him." She stabbed me in meh gut. "Wanna see if that jogged your memory?" "I don't know. Still can't recall." She pushed it deeper. I held in the pain. I couldn't show weakness. Especially in front of a Roman. Especially in front of a Roman praetor. I pulled the knife outta my gut, blood covering it. "Jason, yeah, quarreling with a son of..." I tried to think of my Roman conversions. Posiedon=Jupiter, no, Neptune. "Ahh, a son of Neptune. Perseus Jackson, slayer of Titan Kronos. Offered immortality and turned it down for love. But Jackson's no softie."

Reyna's expression softened and she lowered her imperial gold dagger. "I had a lover. He went by the name of Romolus, not the first one, another one. And then," Reyna sheathed her dagger."I met a man, Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter, child of Rome. He's..." she breathed in and let it out with a big smile. "AMAZING!!"

I suddenly felt bad for Reyna and actually got mad at Leo for tackling Jason into the sky and mad at Percy for fighting Jason right now. "I'm sorry." I said. "I would hate for anything bad to happen to him." Reyna replied.

SPOILER ALERT!! Sorry, Reyna! Something bad is gonna happen to him!! :{D Evil!!!

Jason Grace POV

"Something bad is about to happen to you." Percy said as he walked up to me holding Riptide proudly. Blood was pouring down my forehead from a nasty gash Percy gave me when he kicked me into some poisonous shrubs. I could feel the rash. "You already tried drowning me in salt water!" I spat. "No, no!" Percy said. "I did that to literally put salt in your bleeding wounds." He placed an armored high top firmly on my chest. I couldn't move. He rose his Celestial Bronze sword, Riptide, glowing over me for the final strike.

I tried to shoot lightning at my champion. Yes, Percy was champion. Maybe If I was rested, it would've been an equal match. But, I couldn't because, I was sorted out. It's like dropping a plugged in toaster into a bathtub. It sorts out and stops working. I was weak, but controlled the winds and pushed Percy into the air. "No!!!!!" Percy grabbed me and pulled both of us up. I stabbed him with the stub of Ivlivs. Yes, the stub. The ambrosia Percy ate made him stronger. I swung my sword at him, but he anticipated the trick. He held up his blade to block the strike, and my blade shattered against his sheer might. He casually grinned. "Sorry!"

He threw me down. "Let's make this quick!" He said as he raised Riptide over his head. "Yaaaaa!!!" The blade pierced through my skin and I think this is inaccurate, put I think I could feel the glowing enchanted bronze touch the tissue of my beating heart. My eyes shut and my head went limp.

Nico di Angelo POV

I shuddered. "Ohhh." I felt an emptiness, as if a strong force, a demigod life, had ended. A son of....Zeus had just died. Zeus was the King of Gods. If one of his descendants dies, I can sense it more strongly than even a Hades child's death, and Hades is meh dad. Yes, I can sense deaths, and when people are close to death. Hades thing.

Leo breathed heavily on the hospital bed. "Nico," he said in a raspy voice. "What is wrong?" Leo looked bad. He was wearing the same clothes as the day he battled Jason back at his mom's workshop in New Mexico. But he was bleeding everywhere, and had a celestial bronze cut that went all the way through his body. "It's ,uh...nothing. Save your strength, buddy. Don't speak. You got a Destiny, remember?"

"Yeah," he started. "The Slayer of the Earth Godde...." Leo started to cough hysterically and his cut started to steam as blood poured down his face. "Goddess, Gæa. Trust me, Leo Valdez is a name Gaea won't forget." I nodded. "Apollo kids, check on Valdez over here!! This isn't a simple ambrosia and nectar job, people!! He's bleeding all over!"

Hazel Levesque POV Author's Note: Did I spell her name right?

"Aww." I winced. There I was, painting my toenails when I felt it. I'm a daughter of Pluto. I can feel when powerful or even regular people die. Jason Grace probably, our pitch perfect legendary warrior praetor. Jupiter kids are the strongest to detect. Monsters smell his kids stronger than any other godly kids. Frank Zhang, my friend I secretly like, was talking to me but fell asleep. When Jason died, I flinched and my big toe got stuffed in his mouth. And the polish wasn't done trying. Uh oh.

I slowly put my nail polish on the desk next to me and pulled my toe out of his mouth. I raised his top lip and it had yellow polish on it. Uh oh again. I couldn't resist laughing. It made me think if a Buddha liked drinking nail polish, Frank would be how he looked. I took a pic and wiped the polish off. Now, Reyna. I have to tell her about Jason. I decided to just tell her before I come to my senses. I ran to the forum and spotted Reyna. I told her Jason Grace had died. She stood for a second, paralyzed. Then, she actually cried.

At the funeral the next day, when Reyna was talking about Jason's life decisions while holding his dead hand in the casket. Ewww. I stood and shouted. "Jason can come back!!" Octavian knit his eyebrows. "Excuse me?" Reyna nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry. Is this your idea of a sick joke?!" "No, no, no!!! Ima Pluto child remember? If you want your beloved Jason Grace back, you must embark on a mission that crosses the Mare Nostrum and retrieve certain ingredients to obtain and create...the physician's cure. An ancient Greek potion of rebirth, but works on Romans as well. It is held by Apollo's son, who's a doctor and created the cure.

Octavian stepped up. "Jason Grace, He is worth it." He nodded respectfully to Reyna.
I suddenly felt a a primary, so a Hephaestus child death. A big one. My eyes widened. I suddenly realized it. Leo Valdez had died. "Umm....Reyna? Leo Valdez is no longer with us.

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