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I was pacing around Hera's Cabin. Percy Jackson jogged in with Riptide sheathed, sweat beading his face. "Did you find Leo?!" I exclaimed louder than intended. "Naw, but we found this Roman praetor in New Mexico, supposedly on the hunt for Leo. I'm surprised Jason even found him. Leo has become a clever and quite powerful demigod as a loner. That'll do us good when the Great Giant War begins. Bring him in, Grover." Grover the Saytr walked in, holding Jason's left arm while Connor Stoll gripped his right. Grover nodded. "He's unconscious. He definitely smells of Leo. Motor oil, grease, Tabasco, and charcoal, cuz he's always on fire one way or another."

Jason Grace POV

There I was. I woke up tied to a chair in a dark, empty room. I kept my head limp. I opened my eyes and saw a celestial bronze glowing sword. Then the door opened. I recognized that guy. We fought together in Manhattan. I blasted Kronos's Throne from right under him and...what's his name...Perseus, Percy Jackson finished the job by destroying the Titan, ending the Titan War.

Percy picked up the sword. Good old Riptide. I suddenly stood on my feet and rammed the chair I was sitting on at the wall and it broke. I surged electricity through my veins and shocked the rope bounds on my hands. I jumped over them so my hands could be in front of me, and ripped my hands free. Percy stood dazed but soon regrasped reality. He shouted a battle cry and ran at me.

I tried blasting him with lightning but he deflected it off his blade, Riptide, he had called it. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my coin, Ivlivs. "Ha! C'mon Jason, what's a coin gonna do against a sword." I answered, "This is a double edged sword, a regular sword, and a pilum, all in one. Made of pure imperial gold. I flipped it and when I caught it, it was the double edged blade. Percy was shocked. We sparred for a while, imperial gold vs Celestial Bronze, Ivlivs vs Riptide.

Then I pointed my blade skyward, and a bolt of lightning broke the roof. I nodded like 'cya and flew out. I started to fly around, trying to zap cabins, but the was this beautiful girl, probably Aphrodite's kid, kept shouting "MISS!" and my bolts would miss. One explanation. Charmspeaker. I flew down to face the Graecus charmspeaker. She unsheated Katoptris. The very looking glass and future telling weapon of Helen of Troy.

"Look, I don't want to kill you." The girl retorted, "Well I do since you got near Leo! Where is he?!" She didn't give me much time to reply because she leaped and chucked her dagger at me. I caught it right before it would hit my nose. "A feeble attempt." I dropped the dagger and firmly stepped on the blade. I pointed my sword at her head, lightning crackling through the blade. " turn." I was about to shoot her when I was tackled and pulled into the air by...Leo!!

Leo Valdez snarled, "Stay away from my camp. He threw my up, pulled out his flaming battlehammer, and whacked me square in the face. I almost blacked out. I turned to face my challenger and he blasted a purple steaming ray of fire at me. I didn't have the strength to stay afloat. I started to descend. "Give me that!" Leo shot fire through his hand. The fire turned into the shape of a glove and grabbed Ivlivs from my grasp.

As he rose his battlehammer to shatter my precious gold blade, I cursed in Latin. He threw the remains of Ivlivs at me. "Go back to where you came from. Jupiter is lucky I'm sending you home alive. I know how much the guys back at Camp Jupiter look up to you, praetor. I wouldn't disappoint. He flew overhead Cabin 9: Hephaestus Cabin, and the inferno hurricane around him dissipated. He fell down on the roof on his cabin. A fall like that could easily kill any mortal, but by what I just witnessed, Leo Valdez was no mortal, a definitely not an everyday demigod.

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