"Yeah because you two don't talk nearly enough," Normani rolled her eyes, she had a huge long distance phone bill every month to prove her point.

"Not in person," Ally replied. "Duh."

"Mama said that we could play in the snow," Anahí tugged on her Aunt Dinah's jacket. "Come on, let's go now!"

"Wait a little bit sweetie, your aunts just got here. I'm sure that they're tired from the plane ride and need a little time to relax," Lauren said as she placed both of her hands on Anahí's shoulder.

"Okay," Anahí said followed by a long and disappointed sigh.

"Nonsense let me bring our stuff upstairs and then I would be happy to play in the snow with my two favorite girls," Normani replied.

"Really?" Anahí asked, excitedly.

"Really, just give us a minute," Normani smiled. "You know there's never any snow out in Berkeley so I've been dying to play in the snow."

"I'll give you a hand," Camila added. "Then we'll all go outside and have some fun."

"Not all of us," Ally smirked. "It's freezing outside and somehow I don't see Lauren making snow angels anytime soon."

"You are certainly right on that one," Lauren chuckled as she patted her belly. "We just made hot chocolate, Ally, I think I hear a couple of mugs that are calling our names."

"That sounds perfect," Ally responded.

"Alright girls, we'll be right back," Normani stated as she, Camila and Dinah made their way up the stairs with their several bags of luggage.

"Come take your coat off, Ally," Lauren said. "And girls, lets get your coats on so that you'll be already to go."

"Yay!" Anahí exclaimed and took off through the kitchen.

"Come on little miss," Ally said to Emmi as they walked through the kitchen, Lauren following. "My goodness you are getting so big and looking more and more like your Mommy every time I see you." Emmi smiled, she was definitely Lauren's kid, and she certainly loved compliments.

"You think so?" Lauren asked as she looked down at her daughter. "Because I totally think she looks more like Camz."

"Oh no, definitely you Laur, but not as much as your mini-me over here," Ally pointed to Anahí who was already putting on her boots; she was already dressed in her pink puffy snow pants.

"Yeah," Lauren smiled as she attempted to bend down to pick up Emmi's mittens.

"Oh no you don't, I'll get the girls ready," Ally said, snatching a mitten right out of Lauren's hand. "You shouldn't be on your feet Lo."

"Ally, you don't have to," Lauren replied as she placed a hand on her back, straightening herself back up. "I can do it."

"Well, I'm going to do it," Ally stopped Lauren from protesting once again. "Tell you what, I'll get the girls all bundled up and you pour us some hot chocolate."

"Fine," Lauren replied as she walked back into the kitchen. "I give up," she mumbled to herself.

"Anahí, do you need any help?" Ally asked the older girl, while she helped Emmi put on her boots.

"Nope, I'm good," Anahí replied as she zipped up her coat. "Well, actually can you fix my scarf?"

"I'm on it," Ally smiled as she turned to face Anahí. She helped her put her pink scarf on and wrapped it around her neck. "There, how's that?"

"That's just how Mommy does it," Anahí smiled.

"Well, duh, that's because I taught her," Ally grinned.

"You did?" Anahí asked, she always loved to hear stories about her parents when they were younger.

"Yup when we were in Fifth Harmony together," Ally replied. "Before we met, your mommy wasn't as cool as me."

"That was a long time ago, huh, when you were really young?" Anahí questioned.

"Thanks for the reminder kiddo and just for your information it wasn't that long ago," Ally laughed. "And you, little Miss, put your coat on," she held out Emmi's coat as the little girl slipped her arms in it.

"Mittens now," Emmi reached out for the pink mittens that Ally had been holding.

"Oh right," Ally helped Emmi put on her mittens. "Do you have a scarf too?"

"Noooo," Emmi replied as she walked to the door, she was ready to go play.

"Yes she does," Anahí replied as she bent down and pulled out a little basket under the bench. "She just doesn't like to wear it but Mommy and Mama make her.."

"Oh I see," Ally replied as Anahí handed her Emmi's scarf and hat. "Emmi, my dear, you need to put this on otherwise you are going to freeze your little tushie off outside."

"Otay," Emmi turned around just as Ally placed a hat on her head and wrapped a scarf around her.

"There, you guys are ready for the North Pole," Ally chuckled.

"But we're not going to the North Pole, just the front yard," Anahí replied.

Lauren stuck her head in the doorway. "How's it going in here girls?"

"They are all set," Ally replied, she was finally taking off her own coat and gloves.

"Perfecto," Dinah stated as she walked past Lauren with Normani and Camila. "Because I am soooo ready for a snowball fight."

"I'm gonna kick your butt Auntie Dinah!" Anahí exclaimed.

"Ooo, I'm scared now kid," Dinah shook her head in front of hers. "Shaking in my boots!"

"Relax, children," Camila chuckled as she grabbed her coat.

"Have fun," Lauren smiled before she and Ally walked into the kitchen, it was getting crowded in there. "See you later!"

"Bye Mommy!" Lauren heard just before the slamming of the door.

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