"Alastair!!" I shouted. Alastair came running down the stairs and saw the hellhound. "Look! It's a hellhound!" I shouted excitedly.

"Mistress. Please stay away from that mutt." Alastair said. He wasn't a fan of dogs.

"But look how cute he is." I said and ran towards the man. "Hey boy. I'm (f/n). What's your name?" I asked rubbing his head. He flopped to the ground and rolled onto his back. I began rubbing his belly. "What's his name?" I asked Finnian.

"Pluto." Finnian said shocked.

"You're so cute. I bet you look lovely in your hound form." I said. He sat up and licked my face. I let out a laugh. (A/N: Pluto is wearing a suit by the way :b)

"Lady (f/n), I think it is time for you to sleep." Alastair said. I nodded.

"I trust your judgment." I said. I turned to Pluto before leaving. "Do you wish to come Pluto?" I asked. Pluto ran after me on all fours and I laughed as I ran from him. Pluto chased me through the halls as I laughed the whole time. I felt something hit my back and I was on the floor with Pluto licking my face. Pluto was barking a little while I just laughed.

"Pluto!" I heard someone say. Pluto immediately climbed off of me and sat with his head low. I looked to see Ciel.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked. Ciel extended his hand to me and pulled me up.

"I thought Pluto was bothering you." Ciel said.

"Not at all. He's so cute!" I said smiling. I then took notice of the eye patch covering his eye. I quickly pushed him into the room he was just in and shut the door.

"W-what are you doing?" Ciel stuttered. I felt my face heat up after I realized the situation.

"Why do you have that eye patch?" I asked moving my hand up his face and going to lift the patch. Ciel moved back quickly. An angry look replaced his once calm features. "I-I'm sorry." I said backing up. "I didn't mean to offend you." I said sadly. He just stared at me angrily. He let out a sigh.

"I'll just go." I said.

"I think you should." Ciel said. I felt so terrible. I didn't mean to upset him. I opened the door and stepped out. There sat Pluto.

"Hey boy." I said quietly and patted his head. I continued to walk to my room and I sat on the bed waiting for Alastair. Soon the door opened and I looked up to see  Alastair step in.

He began undressing me and helped me into my night gown. "Thank you." I said smiling  at him. I laid down and he tucked me in. "Goodnight." I said softly.

"Sweet dreams, (f/n)." He said and blew out the candle.


A woman walking into my room looking upset.

"What's wrong mama?" I asked the woman, who was apparently my mother. She was quite beautiful

"Your father...." She trailed off. I cocked my head to the side confused. "He left us." She said quietly.

"Papa went on a trip?" I asked sweetly.

"No sweetie, he left us for another family." She said softly.

"Papa wouldn't do that!" I said, defending my father.

"He did, baby." My mother said.

"You're lying!" I shouted.

End of Dream

I sat up. I need to find my father.

(A/N: At the moment you didn't know you were dreaming. You think this is all real and happening.)

"Papa!" I shouted opened the large door. I began running through the halls. "Papa!?" I kept shouting. "I know mama is lying! Where are you!?" I shouted. No answer. Where was he? Were we playing a game?

"Are we playing a game!?" I asked loudly. I ran towards the stairs. Someone grabbed my arm.

"(f/n), what's wrong?" They asked. It was a boy. Who was he?

"Don't touch me! Who are you?" I asked.

"It's me. Ciel." He said.

"I don't know you! Let go of me!" I yanked myself out of his grip and stumbled back. I saw a tall man about to grab me.

"Don't touch me!" I ordered him. I fell back and tumbled down the stairs. I hit my head hard on the edge of a step and everything became black.

A/N: Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Thanks for reading!!! Until next time!!! ~Faith ♥

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