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Your POV

I wandered the forest,that I called my home, in my (f/c) dress. It was all I owned.

I heard clashing in the distance. I wonder what that is? I began walking towards the sound and saw two men dressed in black fighting. I crouched down in the tall grasses and watched them. Two boys stood on the side lines. One with dark blue hair, the other light blonde hair.

The men slowed their fighting and turned their gaze in my direction. They must see an animal. There's no way I'm visible.

"Come on out." One with red eyes said. I began to stand up.

The boys turned their attention to me.

"H-hi." I squeaked. The blonde boy's face lit up.

"Claude! I want her! She's beautiful!" The blonde haired boy cheered. The man I guessed was Claude threw me over his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down!" I shouted pounding on his back.

"Alois. Release the girl." The boy with blue hair said looking at the blonde haired boy.

"She's mine now." Alois said grabbing me. I brought my knee up hitting him in his 'spot'. I took off running only to be caught by the man known at Claude.

"Stop it!" I shouted thrashing in the man's grasp.

"Alastair! Help me!" I shouted. My demon friend appeared. He snatched me from the mans grip. I hugged him tightly.

"You will not have my Mistress." Alastair said glaring at Claude and Alois.

"Lady (y/n), that man is a demon." Alastair said looking at Claude. Then turned to the other man dressed in black. "So is he."

"More demons?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes." Alastair said. "I suggest you get out of here before I tear your apart." Alastair said glaring at the boy and his demon. Alois glared back but walked off with Claude.

I looked at the boy with blue hair and his demon butler. "Thank you for telling the boy to release me." I said smiling.

The boy shrugged. I looked closer at him. I knew him. Ciel Phantomhive. The Queen's guard dog.

"Alastair! This is the Queen's guard dog!" I said releasing Alastair, and planting my feet on the ground.

"You are quite right." Alastair said smiling.

"I'm (f/n)." I said sticking out my hand.

"Ciel Phantomhive." The boy said shaking my hand. Of course, I already knew his name.

"This is Alastair. What's your demon's name?" I asked excited to actually speak to another human.

"Sebastian." Ciel said. I looked at Sebastian.

"Hello." I said smiling up at him.

"Hello." He said back.

Ciel looked at me weirdly. "Excuse Lady (f/n)'s enthusiasm. She has amnesia. So, we live in the moment." Alastair said. It was true. I couldn't remember anything since I met Alastair. He's trying to help me remember.

I let out a yawn. "Time for bed." Alastair said.

"Alrighty." I said and hopped onto his back. "Onward Alastair!" I said balling up my hand and punching the air. Alastair took off and I let out a laugh as the wind blew my (h/l) (h/c) hair.

Ciel's POV

That girl was quite odd. She said her name was (f/n), but she had amnesia.... Was that her real name? Maybe that's all she remembered.....

"Is there something bothering you?" Sebastian asked me as he buttoned up my night shirt.

"That girl from earlier....." I said trailing off. She was quite pretty.... What am I talking about?That girl was strange....

"Sebastian." I said. He looked up at me expectantly. "I order you to find this (f/n) and bring her for tea tomorrow." I said with a blank expression.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian said slightly bowing. He tucked me into bed and blew out the candle. Leaving the only light in the room, the shine of the moon.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! I wasn't planning for you to have a demon, but what the heck! I hope you enjoyed this! Until next time! ~Faith ♥

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