One || Found Her

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13 years later
Anakin's POV

I could sense the presence of someone I met long ago. Someone I remember. Could it be my mother. Could it be a stranger. Could it be Padmé. Could it be... Primrose.

"What do you sense," Obi Wan asked me. "Someone... someone familiar," I answered. "I know this young one too, I just can't figure out who it is," he replied.

We had been captured by Count Dooku and General Grievous. We were tied up and blind folded. I sensed someone enter the room. A Jedi and... r2! My blind fold was taken off. I looked at who was taking off Obi Wan's blindfold. A girl with long brown hair, blue eyes, and was dressed in black clothes. "Prim... Primrose?" I questioned. "Yes it is me Anakin," she replied as she untied Obi Wan and me. "We must leave now, R2 signal the ship," she demanded, "oh, you might want these," she handed us our lightsabers.

"How'd you get these Grievous had these," Obi Wan questioned. "Did you kill him," I asked. "No but I managed to take these," she said. "Thank you," I said, she is amazing. It's been 13 years since that day we met. 12 years since we killed Darth Maul together.

We ran and boarded a ship with Master Yoda, and the rest of the council aboard. "Great work young Gold," Master Yoda said. She bowed her head. She walked off to another part of the ship I followed. Obi Wan stayed and talked to the council.

She was sitting in a room alone. "May I come in," I asked her. "Of course Anakin," she said. "Thank you for rescuing us, I can't believe we were easily blind sided," I said. "Of course master Yoda told me and I had to, you've grown up so," she said.

"So have you, far more beautiful," I said.

She looked up at me with a confused expression across her face. "For a Jedi," I said and she smiled at me.

"Have you faced the trials yet?" she asked.

"Yes, years ago, I haven't become a master yet and I should be since I am apart of the council." I replied with anger growing in my voice.

"That's not fair! I would never be apart of the council, ever since the Chancellor outcasted me."

"He outcasted you? I can't believe that!" My friend Chancellor Palpatine would never do that.

"Well he did! And it was for a stupid reason but he brought me back, that's why we haven't seen each other in 12 years," she explained.

"What was his reason? It had to be something to outcast a powerful Jedi like you."

"I was trained young because I was thought to be the Chosen One but, they found you. They sent me off with you, I thought it was to help you train and for us to work together, I was wrong. I came back to find the Chancellor saying how powerful you are and how he doesn't need a screw up like me. I was outcasted for 12 years. He found me hiding in Lake County in Naboo. I was fighting many battle droids and saved his life. He brought me back in return," she explained to me with a slight anger.

"Wow that's terrible. Your not a screw up your amazing," I said trying to comfort her.

"Thank you."

I didn't notice until now but we were standing face-to-face. "Primrose," Obi Wan said getting our attention, "Master Yoda wants you." She left to go see Master Yoda.

"You should not let your feeling blind you," Obi Wan said. "I know Master," I agreed. "You are both very powerful Jedi, I wouldn't want either of you expelled," he assured me. "Do you know why she was outcasted? She explained it to me but I need to know it really is true," I asked.

"She was thought to be the Chosen One but then we found you, you are the Chosen One. The Chancellor outcasted her and brought her back not to long ago because she saved his life back on Naboo," he explained.

"It's true then." Anger grew inside of me. I need to talk to the Chancellor.

"Yes if she wasn't trained early well she may have died," he pointed out. This is terrible. She didn't deserve that.

"Why would he just let her come back even if she did save his life?" I thought out loud.

"I don't know," he answered. The ship landed in Coruscant. I must talk to the Chancellor about this.

I took a speeder and rushed my way to the Chancellor. I ran into the building and to his office. "Oh Anakin please come in," my good friend said. "Why'd you do it," I questioned beginning to release my anger. "What," he asked.

"Outcast her! Leave her in isolation for 12 years?!" I raged.

"Who exactly? I wouldn't do this if I didn't have a reason?"

"Primrose Gold!" I said in a DUH voice.

"Oh the girl who was thought to be the Chosen One, the dark side had been after her, I had no choice it was for her own safety," he explained calmly.

"That's not what her and Obi Wan told me," I growled.

"The Jedi lie," he snapped back.

I stormed out and went to find Prim.

Another Path (Anakin Skywalker) (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now