“We decided to tell you first but we’re on our way to tell Mr West the news now” Officer Maldov commented.

“Good luck, he’s a bit tough to get out of bed, kinda,” I laughed.

“We’ll keep that in mind but good luck today and tomorrow. We’ll also see you tomorrow as well,” Officer Maldov said thankful.

“Thank you,” I said smiling.

“No problem” She smiled before she left.

“Why didn’t you say you had somewhere to be today?” Katie asked abruptly, once Officer Maldov had left.

“Because, I wanted it under wraps so no one really knew. I don’t wanna relive it Katie but I have to. I have to, twice within one week. I’m pretty sure my boyfriend doesn’t wanna relive the torment twice as well but he has to. You’ll mostly all hear what happened tomorrow anyhow. With you, all seem to be coming to the court with us. You’ll maybe all finally get a realisation of what mental and physical torment Greg and I are facing,” I ranted as I sat down on the sofa. I didn’t mean to be nasty, it just came out. I think I’m more nervous than anything.

“Eli, calm down. If you keep going on the way you’re going, you’ll end up back in the hospital. And no one wants that. Greg will likely be a nervous wreck and you’ll probably come back out jumpy as hell. Just calm down and take one step at a time. You’ll do great today and tomorrow. I know I’m not really one to talk or give pep speeches but you really do deserve to be calm and collected. Yes, tomorrow will be hard, seeing their faces again but you have to channel the inner happiness in you. Think back on something happy, what’s made you happy recently?” Katie spoke.

“Greg and I’s first kiss” I blurted out. Oh, crap! I’m doomed. Katie’s face recollected shock and amusement. Why she was amused, I’ll never know.

“YOU KISSED HIM? WHEN?!” She asked excitedly.

“Yesterday…” I said shyly.

“Oh my god, so that’s where you two went off to. You never spoke, you kissed”

“We did speak actually. The kiss was the last thing that happened,” I admitted.

“Ooh, so how was it? On a scale from 1-10, how good was it?”

“And what to either end of the numbers represent?” I asked confused.

“One being the worst and ten being the best” She smirked.

“If that’s the case, then it was off the scale” I smiled.

“So tell me the deets” She pondered.

“Well, it was when the sun was setting. The sky was an orange colour with tinges of red and yellow. We were up on the roof, overlooking London. Because I’m shorter than he is, I was on my tiptoes, arms on his waist, he leaned down and placed his arms around my waist and we kissed. It was short and sweet but it was so heavens worthy though. I got the rhetorical fireworks and dizziness feelings but oh my god, it was so damn amazing” I gushed. I knew I was smiling like an idiot at the memory but I couldn’t really forget the amazingness of it. It just made me feel really lucky to even be alive. To even be able to feel those first times with new boyfriends and new people.

“Oh my god, I’m so happy for you. You really did need to break out your shell and Greg’s helping you with that. I know, it’s not really under the best circumstances but he is. He’s helping you become a talkative person again and so much more. You really do deserve one and another”

“Thanks Katie. Have you given up on Dan? Or are you still trying to pursue him?”

“I thought it was time to give up on him. He’s clearly happy with Lottie and getting to know Lottie, it’s clear that she really loves him too so it’d be a really unfair disadvantage to split them up because I’d be the one facing all the backlash and then I’d lose a friend in Ella and Lottie. Maybe even you too since you’re dating Greg”

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestWhere stories live. Discover now