Part 3: I Have To Protect You

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~Stan's POV~
I'm not the wimp I used to be back in 4th grade. I was NOT going to allow them to kick Kyle off the bus just for being different.

"Pfft, wow Broflovski. You're so weak, you always have your boyfriend trying to protect you." One of the boys said. My face went red, and so did Kyles. "W-We aren't dating!!!" Kyle stuttered, his embarrassment showing in his tone. "And put me down!!!" He struggled to get away. "Put him down." I demanded.

"No need to become so hostile with us, Marsh. We were just fo-" "you've been making fun of him for the past 3 years! How is that fooling around!? Answer that!" I yelled.
"Perhaps if Kyle wasn't so worthless and stupid we wouldn't make fun of him!" They snapped. I could see Kyle begin to tear up and I could feel my heart begin to shatter. Seeing him cry was my weakness. "And would you look at that? He's crying like the big wimp he is." I couldn't believe the number of people that found that funny.
That's when everything for them went dark. I punched them. Punched them hard. Punched them until their cheeks were red. "Hey what the fuck, you psychopath!" One of them yelled. I helped Kyle off the ground, ignoring the million of eyes that had just seen what had happened. However, I acted like nothing had ever happened. For some reason the busdriver hadn't heard any of this shouting and yelling, nor had he seen me do what I did. He must be blind or something.

"Why'd you do that, you asshole." Kyle said while blushing and turned the opposite way from me. I've known Kyle for years now, that's his way of saying thank you. I laughed and smiled down at him. "It was no problem dude, you're my sbf anyway, I have to protect you as much as I can."
"That's so gay..."
"You're gay dude."
"You're gayer."
"Nah, I'm bisexual."
".....whatever dude..." Kyle responded. All might have been well for the rest of the day.

Author's Note: I'm fu C kin g proud of this pArT. Its 2:24 am right now, my best friend is at the hospital and I need to stay awake just incase any new news arrives about her. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter as much as I liked it, the end was pretty cute. You guys ready for the next part?!? You should be, I'll try to make it really long, woo !!!

I Love Your Smile, and I Love You (StanxKyle)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن