Chapter 1: Winter Break

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~Stan's POV~

Winter break, huh? Seems like this year flew by really fast. I remember being 10, in 4th grade.

Now i'm 14 and in 8th grade. Nothing has changed since then, though.

Cartman, Eric Cartman, is still the usual asshole fatass. All that changed in him was he gained more pounds. He seems to get nicer every year that passes by, however. That doesn't mean he's completely nice, he's still an asshole.

Kenny McCormick, perverted but really friendly. Also, suprisingly gets good grades? He works hard, especially to support his little sister, Karen.

Then...then there's my bestest friend in the whole universe, Kyle Broflovski. What can I say except he has the most beautiful smile in the world? Always lighting up everyones day, always hyper, and always so smart. His eyes were so full of life, and his hair is so amazing.

What a shame he goes through depression...not being able to see a real smile. The thing is, Kyle gets bullied. His parents also fight a lot. I honestly feel bad for him, I wouldn't be able to understand him since I'm captain of the football team and very popular. I'm also an alchoholic bastard, so I can't help anyone. Not even my super best friend....

As usual, the morning greeted me with the nice smell of pancakes and the agony of school. Today was Friday, the day right before Winter Break officially begins. Once I got ready I started heading to the school bus stop. I'm usually the last one to arrive, always arriving to the 4 words I hear everyday. "I HATE you, FATASS!" Kyle shouted. "What the hell did I do this time!!? And don't call me fat, you stupid jew!!" Cartman snapped back. "Damn you guys, do you have anything better to do than fight?" I said, seeing my breath come out in the cold air. Kyle's expression then suddenly changed, as if only just realizing I had arrived. "Oh, good morning, Stan!" He waved at me but then stared at the ground shyly."I-I didn't know you were there."

I laughed. "Well because maybe you two were shouting so loud and didn't take the time to come to the realization." "I'm sorry...." Kyle said. "What were you two fighting about anyway." Kyle then got angry again. "Cartman was exposing my personal info on the internet!!! I never said he can do that.""Oh? You mean about being Homosexual. Please, Kahl. Everyone
been known." Cartman responded.

~Kyle's POV~

I was so angry. Yes, everyone in the squad all knew, and I even trusted Cartman. It was a mistake. He went and told this information on his Twitter, where he had almost 1k followers. Most of them being from our school, and now they all know.
I was doomed going to school today.

Author's note: Hello everyone~! Just wanted to point out that this chapter was most of all to introduce the characters. Drama starts in the next part, so stay tuned ;)

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