Part 5: So Warm...

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~Stan's POV~

Had he heard all of the conversation with me and Wendy? "How much did you hear?" I asked him. "I-" Kyle was about to say something before his cheeks went red and he turned and started running. "Kyle, WAIT!" I tried to chase after him, but he was too fast. Which  was weird, because I thought football players would be faster in speed then basketball players. Had I scared him? I thought. I wasn't mad at him, I just wanted to know how much he had heard. I looked at my phone and saw I had gotten a message 20 minutes ago from Kyle. 

Dude, where are you?

Kyle was trying to search for me this whole time and he thinks i'm angry because he was eavesdropping. 

For the rest of the day I didn't see him. I kept asking Kenny and Cartman if they had seen him. "I saw him walking to 5th period, why do you ask?" Kenny answered. "It's nothing..." Kyle was avoiding me, and I can realize that. 

When school finally ended, I walked to his house. His parents' car wasn't there, but I remember him saying that he usually stays home alone whenever his parents go somewhere. I knocked on the wooden door and waited for an answer. No response. I knocked again, but everything was silent again. I started getting worried, until something seemed to unlock the door. "Wha-" I could hear a familiar voice start to speak until stopping in mid-word. Kyle was about to close the door, but I managed to stop him. 

"Kyle....can we talk?" Some of his hair was draped in front of his face, so I couldn't see his expression at the moment. What I could see was the shaking of his head, telling me 'no'. "Oh, okay. Well, you can talk to me when you're ready." I responded, then turning around and starting to walk down the stairs until I heard a very silent voice asked,"Are you mad?" I stopped and turned back around towards Kyle's direction and saw tears streaming down his face. He was shaking. I wanted to comfort him, and tell him I wasn't mad at all, that it was just a misunderstanding. But no, all that could escape my stupid mouth was:


I saw him clutch his fists and shake even harder. I forgot that every time he has to repeat something he gets angry, especially something that he may have regretted saying. Kyle looked up at me and shouted,"ARE YOU ANGRY OR NOT????" I smiled, and started laughing. Why? I don't fucking know! I could see that Kyle was also surprised, as for his hair had moved away from his face, showing his surprised expression. He stepped back before trying to see if I had come to his house sane or drunk. "S-Stan??" 

When I finally stopped acting like a maniac I looked at him and smiled a friendly smile. "Why would I be mad at you for something as simple as that??" 

~Kyle's POV~

I didn't know how to respond to this at all. First, he had burst into laughter for no reason, and now he was forgiving me even though I was a nosy bastard. "Liar! You're totally mad at me...y-you could punch me right now! Yeah, punch me and make my nose bleed!" I screamed. "Woah dude????" Was all Stan could say. I turned red and covered my mouth. "I didn't mean to get that violent....sorry...." I muffled. Stan laughed. I laughed. All was good. I felt good.... I just...I needed one more thing. I ran up to Stan and hugged him. I could see he was startled, but he then hugged back. His hugs were always so comfortable. I was happy.

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