Mother Natures Wrath

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Before the Angelic War, there was peace and prosperity amongst the remaining factions. The factions were one with each other and happiness reigned over the lands for centuries. It was not until the corruption begin did the factions start betraying the others and blood began to spill. After the destruction of their home, the factions are spread around what remains of Panja. The world in which they were used to split by Mother Nature causing havoc and destruction in forms of floods, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes and blizzards. What remains are nine factions with no true government established. They must rely on eachother for survival. If not they may not survive the hostile environment they call home. Life is a fragile essence in this cruel world and taken advantage of far to often. Even on the brink of destruction, the society of Panja does not see the importance of unification. The most important lesson the survivors of Mother Nature's wrath should take is that technological advancements aren't always the answer. Human advancements became the sole reason in her collapse and without the nine factions coming together maybe herfate. Corruption is massing itself slowly on Panja and without Mother Nature'spower cores being restored could sentencing the end of the world altogether.

The faint glow of a setting sun could be seen in the distance as Dawne slowly approached the outskirts of her village. It wasnot safe to be out after dark especially in the current times with war looming. A faint rustle in the bushes caught her attention enough to stop her cold in her tracks. 

"Hello is anyone there?" she asked softly.

 No immediate response was given and she continued on her way. It was in this moment a bright light flashed in front of her and a silver man appeared. She did not recognize him as anymember of her faction and began to run around him. Without moving, he let her run by him and into her village unharmed. Letting the sun fade behind the trees thesilver man walked deeper into the forest letting it consume him. Surrounded by Mother Nature herself the man began to illuminate giving off a silvery hue.

"Have you prepared them?" asked a raspy voice. 

"Give me one more day and we will be". Responded the silver man.

 "Hours, days they are all becoming a blur you must understand the concept of time!" Retorted the voice with a hint of agitation creeping in.

 "What happens though when we react to all of that around us?" "With the approaching war we are left with only a couple moments to ponderwhy we have been so selfish!" The silver man lashed back.

 "If we had not been so careless and corrupt in our way then maybe, just slightly we will seeanother dawn." With that, the voice faded back into the forest and the silverman was once again alone.

Thinking about the conversation, he just had, the silver man walked further into the heart of the forest. He began to enjoy this time to let his thoughts captivate him while letting himself be free to the earth. The only thoughts that seemed apparent in his mind were those about the approaching war. It has been four months since Panja was devastated and each faction spread throughout the ruins. The events started from an earth-shattering earthquake, which forced people underground. These people have realigned themselves as the faction of Earth. They are useful in managing tunnels, and underground work. After the earthquake came a flood of great might and from it the water faction arose. Working out of the marsh lands these individuals the few that remain are known to be one of the most peaceful of factions. Next came a wave of great heat, and volcanic ash reigned down from the skies. Mountains seemingly erupted with undisclosed might and laid waste to the land below them. The people that withstood the greatest of the volcanoes fury became known as the fire faction. Known for being masters of smelting, and metalworking they are feared throughout the lands. Their coarse skin and hardiness to battle makes them intimidating individuals but overall they are peaceful. Following the heat came a tsunami as tall as the tallest buildings. People fearing for their lives retreated up into the mountains for a place to survive. It is said that this faction does not even exist. These individuals are apart of the Myst faction, one in which the survivors of Panja know little about. They enjoy keeping themselves a mysterious group because in this time trusting someone is rare. Before the destruction they were peaceful in nature and helped many of the other factions.

Afterwards however some tales are told that people in the Myst faction aren't as peaceful as they were before. It is noted that walking around the mountains alone draws an eerie feeling as if someone is watching over head. Being easily susceptible to corruption the other factions steer clear from the Myst faction. After the walls of water crashed into Panja, it began to flood and lay waste to millions. The ones who withstood her wrath and stayed put in their lands were those aligned with water herself. The water faction is one that is all throughout Panja and not just one location. Although they are one of the smaller factions they are dispersed throughout. As for the other factions, Lunar, Shadow, Mystic, and Wind little is known about their whereabouts. They have been excommunicated from the other factions and have not shown up during the annual meetings.

FactionlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora