A Fresh Beginning

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It was a dream it had to be. Her screams, the blood, the devastation was all to real. Rooting itself deep into his mind these torturous images kept appearing. The smell burned his nostrils with an acidic aroma. All of this however was not a dream for Sorian. His life had been set a flame by a mysterious force. His sister taken from him because he couldn't protect her. In this very moment what would his father have done? Sorian had to focus, it was now that mattered not the past. Every moment up until now he had been thinking of the past, it was time he began a new fresh start. Every action from now till he got his sister was absolutely vital.

That night Sorian barely slept. He tossed and turned finding no comfort in his makeshift shelter. The past few days had been daunting on him putting an unbearable weight on his shoulders. Getting up from his bed he paced the length of his shelter, his breath could be seen. The air had a particular chill to it welcoming the fall season across the land. Wrapping his cloak around him tighter he opened the flap to his tent the fresh air was welcoming even if the land was scorched. Smoke bellow were all that remained of last nights raid. The attack on his encampment left many more of his people injury and morale plummeted. From those who escaped the initial events about half of those remained here this morning. They were in desperate need of a hero, and Sorian was beginning to doubt that he was truly their hero. Shaking his head as in disbelief he walked into the center of their camp.

A few people were huddled closely together around a low burning fire. Sorrow and hollowness could be seen in their eyes. Wishing he could do something more then just offer a comforting hand he took a seat next to them. Thinking of all the hardships and obstacles they had already endured was an amazing feat in itself. Looking at the members with him today gave his heart a much needed warmth one that had been isolated. When all of the other factions would have succumbed to defeat his would not! The encampment maybe belittled in its current state, but given time and rest Sorian knew they could overcome this corruption.

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