The Tireless Journey

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The water remained at a steady flow as they passed the stream bed. After last nights rain it altered their course and they decided to spend the night in the valley. Although it wasn't the best of locations to break for camp his villagers were weary from the long journey and it pained him to see them fall behind.

 "Alright we set camp here for the night!" Sorian proclaimed.

 The long journey took a toll on the fire nation as they made advances to the base of the mountains. It was here in which he was to meet up with the Water faction and discuss diplomatic alliances. Sorian had become the new leader for the Fire faction when his father passed away during the heat wave. It had taken the lives of many people amongst their faction and he saw it as his duty to follow in his dads footsteps. He had his father's physical appearance, hardiness, stubbornness, but also his leadership qualities. When Mother Nature decided to smite the human race for their foul actions it was Sorian who rose in wake of the destruction. 

He knew it was his calling as if something were prodding him in the chest, urging him to take the reins from his father. His youngest sister took after their mother who also lost her life to Mother Nature. Rayne looked up to her brother for guidance when she was lost, or needed someone to talk without about the current situation. Many nights are sleepless due in part to night terrors or fear of losing each other. With their parents deceased they only have each other and Rayne has helped Sorian with making sure all the children that remain have somewhere to sleep. 

"Men if you have enough strength we must find food" she heard Sorian announce in the distance. Following the announcement Rayne started assembling the women to set up the bedding. Only about 15 men followed Sorian the others were to injured to continue, and were seeking out medical attention from some of their wives.

 Although Sorian was only just a young adult he had wisdom far beyond his years, knowing that his people needed food. The meeting with the water faction is first thing tomorrow morning and they still have to travel a couple miles of their current location. 

"Sir I think we're being followed" Helio assertively said. 

With that Sorian turned around to observe the crisp night with a faint metallic smell in the air. This all seemed too familiar for him, as he began to nervously look around letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. They continued along the path until it split in two directions, since they were already small in size Sorian made the decisive decision to all go in one direction. Helio had other plans however and while everyone was walking to the right path he and a couple others went to the left. They felt that they could hunt more effectively in a smaller group, along with confusing their pursuer who up until this point was still following them.

 It seemed as if he was one with the shadows as he made no sound but yet the hairs on their backs stood up. At that moment Helio stopped frozen. A few meters ahead of him lay a female draped in a purple cloth. She was pale as the moonlight and seemed to be unconscious. Rushing to her side Helio assessed the situation and found it imperative to bring her back to camp. Ordering the two men to carry her they made their way back to the camp. What they saw brought fear to their eyes, and hatred in their hearts.

FactionlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora