I Saw, I Conquered, I Lost

Comenzar desde el principio

I was telling the truth. Well...sort of. When I first heard from España that there is a new world filled with gold, I believed him. He's too stupid to come up with such vivid details..
Anyways, I decided to go to this "new world". My main and only reason why I sailed there was because I wanted the gold and land.
Gold and land means you're powerful.
I wanted to be powerful.
I only came to get gold.
When, I saw him, with his innocent, sweet, blue eyes..I knew...that I wanted him as my brother. It was kind of a strange bond. When, we both looked at each other...green eyes meeting blue...brown hair meeting blonde..pale skin meeting light tan...it felt like.. I needed him in my life. And so, I took him in. After fighting the frog and hiding him from Spain. He was such an idorable child....so cute and pure. Everything was right.

And then that bastard grew up.

I only just thought he was going through the moody, teenager phase where they are only rebellious.
He was telling the truth.
And now he's his own nation.


Whatever, nothing for me to worry about. If he wants to ruin his own country, go ahead.
I was just trying to help.
But no, the almighty America doesn't need help.

... Baka...

Can I go?! I told you what you wanted to hear! No?? What do you mean "no?"
I have to talk about that Spainyard and the Frenchman!??
No! I refuse! You can't keep me here! I'm an Englishman!!


That Spainyard is probably the most stupidest, most reckless warrior I have ever met. His strategies are either extremely dangerous or extremely brilliant.
And yet..
I have never been able to truly beat him.
If I have to be honest, He's one of my good friends and best enemy.
Before I met him, I only had France.
He's an okay friend, but a horrible enemy. I defeated him every time.
I wanted a challenge. And I already defeated all the Northern and Western side of Europe.
And then I met España.
I mean...I heard about him.
Before we met, he was like my hero. My inspiration. I wanted to be just like him.
And then I found out that he's a moron.
But still...I finally had a challenge. Someone who I can't beat.
I liked that.
Besides, he made my pirate days very interesting.

And then there's France.
That idiot.
He's probably my best friend.
And sort of a mentor.
Whenever, my brothers bullied me..I had France.
France took care of me and loved me.
He also helped me get out of my bubble, and meet other nations.
Actually, I met Spain and Prussia through France.
I owe a lot to France.
He was my first friend.
And first enemy....



So, yeah. That's it.

You wanted something deeper...


France's was sad?!!

What did that idiot say!

Now, I feel stupid...
Can we do that again?

I can leave!

Thank you, Thank you!


Want a tomato?
That's okay!
So you want me to talk about my colonies, France, and Britain?
I saw Britain's...it was funny.
Sí, France's was sad.
Almost made me cry.
Like, right in the feels, France
Eh, expect France to go deep.
I will try to be deeper than Britain but not France's sadness.

Okay, well, when Mexico declared freedom, I was upset.
I mean, I just lost my little sibling.
Of course, I'm going to be upset..
However, after I got over the pain, I was proud.
Because all of my colonies were strong and determined enough to overthrow me.
That means, to me, that they are ready for the world.
That makes me happy.
Also, that I must of done something right to get them to be strong and ready.
That means everything to me.

Hm, I'm on good terms with my colonies, not at the beginning.
I needed to heal.
But when, they asked for forgiveness..
At first, I didn't know if I could.
They hurt me pretty bad.
But..if I ever wanted to heal, I need peace, not just for them, but also me. And to get peace, I needed to forgive them.
So, I forgave them.
It felt nice.
It felt like I was at peace again.
That I was one with the sun and sky.
And I didn't hurt anymore.
The storm was gone and my sun came out.

It's nice having colonies. Or shall I say siblings.
Because, you actually have a purpose.
You have the opportunity to love.
-Sometimes, to be loved..you have to love first-
And you can watch them grow up and be fine on their own.
And when you look back on your life, you feel like you finally did something good.
And then, when it's time, your soul can go up to the Heavens, not regretting meeting them and feeling free.
You lived a life worth living.

Oh, sorry.
Forgot that you were here.
I was like in a my own little world...
So, I have told you about my feelings to my colonies.

France and Britain?
Right, got to talk about them.

France took care of me.
Before Britain existed, it was France and Spain.
But then Britain came along.
I admit, I was jealous.
I didn't want to talk the gringo.
However,France was sad that we weren't getting along.
So, we became...more like co-workers.
Around the pirate times, England and I were the bestest of friends and enemies.
We are all now on good terms.
After all, we all kind of went through the same thing.
Being powerful, getting colonies, losing colonies, becoming laughingstocks of Europe.
We have each other because we all understand the pain.
It's like a club.
France, Britain, and I.
Clearly, I'm the leader. Hahaha..
I was the first to be powerful and I had the most colonies and was the last to have his empire fall.
So yeah, hahaha..

I do wish for France to truly forgive Canada. He hasn't, not fully..
Once, he does, he will feel better.
And Britain, he has forgiven America but hasn't told him that he still cares for U.S.
I shall help these men! Hahaha...just kidding.
There are some things that you have to do on their own.
Those are things that only they can do.
I can just try to help.

Hey look!
Smiley face


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