Chapter 44 - The Blue Fire Strikes

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Your POV - Y/N

We where flying to Dragon Island to get that flightmare out of there so the other dragons to live in peace without the forests that the timber jacks loved , burnt down to splinters.

It was me and Mom at first but soon we saw Dad ride in on Skull crusher.

"Oh hey dad you coming to help?", I asked nudging him.

"Well some man needs to help , and if there is anyone that is best at getting rid of dragons , its me", He bragged pointing to him proudly.

"I guess he is right , your father can become pretty good at scaring dragons away", Mom agreed.

I flew faster and soon they caught up. There was not much fog today which was good for our job today. The clouds where mostly white but there was still a possibility of rain. Later Dragon Island was in sight so we knew we where not going the wrong way so we cheered and my dad shouted," Prepare your wings  , you stupid dragon , ha ha". I rolled my eyes and we landed slowly down on the island. As it took 3 hours to get here the sun had fallen so the dragon could be seen easier as it glow can light up a lot of land. We got of our dragons and I got out my dragon blade. The dragons stayed put at the coast.

We walked slowly into the forest dodging and snapping the branches that got in our way. I swang on most of the branches and Dad chopped them with his axe.

"If we are going to find it sooner we need to go in teams , Me and Toothless will go North and you two go West", I said directing them and then I shouted on Toothless and he came quickly. I stayed close to Toothless and we walked in our given direction.

I jumped as I saw the glowing dragon in the distance , still burning the trees and using its claws to scratch at them to. I walked closer to it being as quiet as possible but then I stepped on a loose branch and it snapped loudly catching the flightmare's attention. The beast walked up to me. I walked back slowly and then it got out his hands and grabbed something behind me.

I saw the dragon shaking Toothless in his hand and then he threw him up and shot him back to the shore wwith his tail. I snarled at the thing making gestures at it. With my noise it walked back but then it gained strength and roared loudly at them.

I saw all his sharp jaws as he roared continuously at my face. I got my blade out and flamed it and started to shake it around in its face. The dragon became distracted by it and its eyes followed the flames. Then I was not focusing as the dragon lit up its mouth with blue fire but I never knew.

"Y/N!", I heard dad shout and I fell down as I saw him push me down to the ground. The dirt crumbledin my mouth and I spat it out and stood up. I stood up to see no flightmare and no fire.

I gasped as I saw dad laying dead on the ground not breathing. I fell down next to him and started to pray for his life to come back and rapid tears came down. I gave up , he was not coming back so I buried my face in his chest and I heard Mom's footsteps come.

"Why ! the gods could not have possibly planned this for him , please now!", Mom shouted and teared pressing on his chest and listened for some sign of life. Then I saw the dragons come and they bowed down to the dead cheiften laying dead on the wet dirt.

The moons light died and the rain started to fall as great sadness had crept over us , a great man had fallen.

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