Chapter 2- A Friend Or Foe

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The dragon carried me in the wind past the mountains and past Berk. Once we past Berk i heard the word being shouted bye vikings."NIGHT FURY GET DOWN" ,"SHOOT IT". I worried when the words of dragons death came out for me and the dragon carrying me. I looked down at a small boy being chased by a monsterous nightmare but it didnt bother me. I had no time to think about if it was feeding me to its babies or actually heard my screams of help when a netted trap with boulders tied to it came towards me. I tried to warn the dragon by kicking its belly but it did not listen or care a bit. Then the dragon saw and covered my with his wings and clasped me tight. We tumbled into a small hollowed out crater type of thing this a river and trees surrounding us. The stone walls of the crater surrounded us. The dragon let go of me and i stumbled onto the grass and quickly dug out my backup dagger out of my jacket. It stood up in pain at looked at me in wonder. When it saw my dagger it growled and stepped back slowly. I saw it did not want to be harmed but so did i. So i dropped the dagger and kicked it away of into nowhere.

The dragon now sat up and twitched its ear and started to walk closer to me. "No step back you stupid beast i have nothing for you just step back please", I said with tears running down my cheek. The Night Fury did not care and instead it just walked forward so i walked back. I slipped down cornered on a rock with no where to run. The dragon breathed on my face warmly and quietly. The beast noticed your tears and licked them of your cheek kindly meaning he might of been the blood thirsty beasts my dad explained to me. Instead this dragon was kind and friendly just what i believed.

I reached out to try touch the beast but it snarled and ran off near the river. Then i wondered if it flew so good carrying me before why does it not just fly away now to its family or something. I got out notepad from my left pocket and sketched the Night Fury very carefully. The sketch looked fine but then i noticed when it moved its tail around there was something wrong with this dragon.

From the tumble caused by dragon fighters from Berk the Night Fury lost one of its very important tail fins so it could not just fly away like i thought it could. This dragon saved my life so i will return the favour for him and so i just need to know why does it not let me touch him if he could lick me?

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