"Fine then so be it so let's go" Kassidy said grabbing her purse and putting her shades on. She hugged and kissed my mother and walked to the door. I bent down and hugged her and gave her a peck on her cheek. "Don't let her or anybody else mess over you baby boy" she whispered into my ear. I nodded and I raised up and walked our with Kassidy.

I walked behind her and to the elevator. Once we got on the elevator the silence was killing me but I'll get over it I think. I really think people think I'm the same boy I was when I left and that's totally the opposite. I'm different only because I had to toughen up when I moved.

I needed to man up and do shit on my own and not depend on my mother or a man for anything. She didn't look my way the whole ride down and when we got off she strutted her ass out of the elevator. I walked behind her and she walked up to Kayvon who was sitting in the lobby on his phone.

She started talking to him and and he looked at me weirdly. I didn't get why he was looking but I guess its whatever. They stopped talking and walked away and I followed behind them. When they sped up I sped up right behind they asses. I know they are not trying to ditch me like I'm some random stalker on the street.

They have me all messed up today. I just want to go to the house and go to sleep because I needed it. "I know y'all not trying to ditch me" I yelled as we headed towards the parking garage. I didn't plan on getting into Kassidy car because she's a whole evil whateveashtray.ants to be. We got to Kassidy car and I followed Kayvon to his car.

"Naw Kenyamo where you going" Kassidy said yelling at me. I turned around and looked at her confused. "I'm going with Kayvon so he can take me home I'm tired" I'm so over this day it can't get any worse that it already has. She unlocked her car and said "Nope your not momma told me to bring you home so I will not hear her mouth now get in so we can go" she said getting into the car.

"Why can't Kayvon take me" I said looking back at him. "I have places to go and people to see bye little bro" he said walking away. I stomped my foot and went to her car. I got into the front seat and this girl car was messy as hell. Almost as messy as her personality was but who am I to judge?

She had pop cans on her floor, make up stuff on her dashboard. Her foundation was wasted basically because it was open. I saw a clump of hair in her ashtray which grossed me out. Not as much as what I'm hoping to god is a icing or spilled milk on her backseat.

She started the radio and it started blasting so loud I felt the base in my stomach. That felt uncomfortable and I'm not with the tom foolery. I just need to go home and relax between my cotton sheets in my nice chill room. That's all I really want right now along with a nice long hot shower.

She pulled off and drove towards what I was guessing was the long way home. It better be because its taking us all the way out of the direction of the house. "Umm booski where you think we going" I asked snapping my neck at her. She better take me home because I've had a very long day and I'm not for it.

"I need to make a stop at Auntie Haydie house to see Jalayna for my stuff I won't be long besides they are dying to see you" she said sounding like a fake happy hoe. I felt my stomach turn as I thought about the last time I was at her house. It wasn't good and I barely lived through it with my sanity.

"Nope Kassidy take me home now I don't want to go" I said raising my voice. I didn't want to see him he's the one that started my downward spiral and didn't even think to help me no matter how close we were supposed to be. I bet he still live there and I didn't want to cross paths with him. If I crossed paths with him that meant that the other thing I ran from would know I was back.

"Kenyamo calm down I won't be that long and nobody even lives there like that anymore just Jalayna and Rocco" she said hunching her shoulders. She turned on their street despite my constant vocal disagreement with it. She pulled into their driveway and it made me cringe with memories.

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