Keiji and Dylan left soon after, leaving Daichi, Suga, and Shimizu.

"Has anyone told her about the exams today and tomorrow? And is it in yet?"

Suga looked at Daichi and Shimizu. Daichi paled and Shimizu only smiled.

"Yes it's in, and no, no one has told her about exams nor have we told her about the trip to Tokyo. Though, I have a feeling she will be fine if we tell her about the exams. She is a second year taking third year classes."

"W-we haven't told her her y-yet..."

"It'll be okay Daichi, she might've hear about them from the first years or Keiji, she won't be that unprepared. Anyways, she might be excluded from the exams since she technically doesn't go here."

Shimizu tried to make the situation with Daichi better, but only gave him more reason to worry.

"The first years will make her stupider with their antics..."

Daichi nearly passed out on Suga.

"Wait, it's in?"

Suga and Shimizu chuckled, as Daichi brightened when he realized that Dylan's volleyball club stuff was in. They made sure to get her actual training clothes like theirs, and the managers sweats. God knows she will use the training clothes more than the managers sweats.

"We still have to tell her about the training camp in Tokyo. I'll tell her when she gets her volleyball stuffs..."

Daichi began to walk off, thinking aloud. Suga decided to follow to make sure that Daichi didn't walk into a pole, and to get to class on time.


Keiji was really embarrassed when he realized that he carried Dylan and her stuff with him to their classroom without him noticing. His reason was, she holding onto him the entire time, and he didn't get to enjoy it.

Dylan didn't understand his embarrassment, whenever she was embarrassed it was usually due to her doing something stupid, not carrying a tiny second year across campus. She didn't think that was embarrassing.

What a surprise it was to know that exams were today, she was told that she didn't have to take them unless she wanted too. And of course she did, really only to see how much she knew and learned from the time that she had stayed here. She liked to see where she would improve.

She took the advanced science, language classes, and, mathematics exams now so she didn't have to take them back at home, and the other subjects like history, she made sure that they were mock exams for her own benefit.

After exams she ate lunch with Keiji and his teammates. All they really talked about was what she thought of Torino, and swimming. They seemed to tease Keiji more today more than they did yesterday, which was a lot.

Soon enough school had ended, and volleyball practice had started when Suga decided it was time to tell her.

"Hey Dylan can we talk with you and Hinata?"

Suga made sure to call over the pair of pen pals.

"Hinata did you tell Dylan about the trip to Tokyo yet? And did you tell her about the exams that were today and tomorrow?"

Hinata paled, shook his head once, and said no.

"Well to explain, we were able to get into the close knit group of schools that hold training camps every so often. Takeda-Sensei managed to convince Coach Nekomata to allow us into the group. Do you want to go? And the exam situation was probably explained to you in class. Did they exclude you from the exams today?"

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