Whats wrong?

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《《《Laurance and kaley 》》》

I walked into the room .Ever since early he hasnt talked to me for some reason .i layed on the bed and waited for him to come and talk to me. Laurance started losing it. He yelled and slammed the door. He walked outside.Dante and Garroth knew what was wrong . Dante went and talk to Laurance .

《 《☆ Laurance and dante ☆》 》

Dante - hey did you forget your pills again or what. The thing isn't here anymore. Why are you still mad.

Laurance - i dont know. Usually i lose it .

Dante - you cant be doing that . Its either you tell kaley whats wrong or stop it.

Laurance - ugh. Usually my mom tells me what to do.

Dante - Just calm down dude

Laurance - i need to call my mom again .

Dante - kaley might ask you what wrong so just use our phone.

Laurance - okay then.

Dante and Laurance went into the house.I was just in the house. I closed the door and just sat on my bed . I texted Luna to see if shes back. No responses . I layed in bed and fell asleep.

Luna and Garroth arrived back home . Garroth realized that Laurance was in the house on the phone. Garroth opens luna door.

Garroth - Sweetie . Can you see if Kaley is okay?

Luna - okay

Luna walks to Laurance and i house. She opened the door and headed upstairs. She opened Laurance and i 's room. She saw me sleeping. She went over and tries to wake me up.
Luna - kaley ??

I began to wake up.

Kaley - um yeah.

Luna - are you okay??

Kaley - yeah.

Luna - want to know something.

Kaley - what?

Luna- im pregnant with twins.


luna- yeah.

Kaley - Oh my god congrats. So what are there sex.

Luna -there both girls .

Kaley - aaaa . Happy.

Luna- thats go and search up things for them.

Kaley - ok

We headed down stairs and searched for baby cloths.

《Laurance and mom 》

Laurance - what pill mom

L.m - its for pain and headaches

Laurance - but where ?

L.m - Dante knows.

Laurance - fine

Dante - what do we need to do?

Laurance - um my mom said you know the pills

Dante - um okay . Thats go.

Laurance - okay

Garroth entered the house

Garroth - Whats wrong again

Dante - Laurance is out of it right now.

Laurance - Dante shut the fuck up.

Dante - okay lets got then.

They went to the store to pick something up.

《《Luna and kaley》》
I keep on getting a text from Someone. I kepted deleting and stuff but they kept writing.

Luna - who keeps texting you.

Kaley - I dont know .I just turned my phone on and someone keeps texting.

Luna - Oh .

Kaley - yeah thats continue .

We kept Searching . Then someone Knocked. I opened it and it was my cousin Aphmau.

Kaley - Aphmau. Hi

Aphmau - Hey Kaley . Oh hi luna

Luna- hi

Aphmau - Have some bad news

Kaley - what

Aphmau - remember kyle

Kaley - our cousin Kyle . The one i dont like

Aphmau - yeah. Well hes coming over.

Kaley - what ? No Aphmau.

Aphmau - come up . Maybe after 3years he stopped doing what he did

Kaley - i would never for give him.He ruined everything.

Aphmau - thats just see

Kaley - fine

Aphmau left . Luna and i fell asleep on the couch. Laurance, Garroth and Dante came back home . Garroth realized that luna was at Laurance and i house so he went to get her. Laurance carried me to our room and Garroth carried luna to there house.

Laurance turned me around and began to hug me once more. He then started to kiss me. I woke up. He looked at me.

Laurance - Hello sleepy head

Kaley - Laurance. I thought you were mad.

Laurance - um yeah forget that .just continue sleeping .

We fell asleep .

♡《《 Next day》》♡
I woke up and looked at the clock . It was 7:43 . I had to go to Aphmau's house to See my stupid cousin . Laurance was still sleeping. I headed downstairs and started walking to Aphmaus house.

(Bad part is about to come)
" So reason why i hate kyle is because he would try to ruin my life. He is abusing . Selfcentered , and would ruin my relationships . Im bad because hes crazy. I dont know if he will do anything .But he knows Laurance has been with me since i was 15. So i dont know if he will do anything again or hes changed. Well thats just see.

I Married My Little Monster ( Aphmau )Where stories live. Discover now