Chapter 6: War

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{Emma's P.O.V}
We walk back to the infirmary after that whole thing and Cap and Nat come in saying "Time to go, can you fly one of the quintjets?" Clint comes out of the bathroom saying "We both can." Cap looks at me and I nod. He says to us "Ypu got a suit?" We nod and then he replies with "Then suit up." We both walk to get our suits but since mine is a catsuit I have to go to the bathroom to get changed. Once we are done we go to the quintjet and we start the ride. I asked Cap "Where are we going?" He looks at me and says "Stark Tower." I nod and then we get up there to see Thor and Loki fighting. Clint looks at me and says "You see this?" I say "Yup and I'm on it." I start shooting at Loki but he blasts one of the engines so we start going down. We cash land and walk out. We all see the portal open up and we have to start fighting. Cap sees something and looks at us Nat says "Go on we got this." I nod and Cap asks Clint "You sure?" Clint looks him straight in the eye and says "Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure." Cap runs off and we are shooting, Nat shouts to us "This is just like Budapest all over again!" Clint and I shout at the same time "You and I remember Budpest very differently!" I see a bus full of people so I run over, I start helping people get out while Nat shoots aliens that are to close to us, and Clint opens the bus doors for me. I lift some kids and we continue doing this until everyone is safe. I see a baby with its parents but the aliens shoot both parents and I grab the baby before anything happens to it. I look down at it and see that it looks like an exact replica of Nat. So I take it to Nat and say "Look at this baby she looks just like you!" Nat looks at her and says "Oh my god take it the the cops and say hold her until Black Widow comes and gets her!" So I do as she says.

~*Time Skip*~
Clint just ran out of his arrows but he gets one and he makes it a grappling hook. He ends up on top of glass and I got and get him. I get him to sit leaning on the wall. I ask him "Clint are you okay? I told you not to get hurt!" He chuckles and replies "Yea, yea whatever." But as he says this a alien comes and I kill it but not before it grabs a knife and cuts from my shoulder to my hip. I cry out in pain and fall down. For some reason not won't heal so I am lying here in pain. Clint sees me and says "Emma what happened? Are you okay? I also told you not to get hurt! Can you move?" I chuckle and reply "I got cut by a knife, I am not okay but I will deal. I know you told me that but I couldn't control this. And I can move." As I say the last answer I get up but once I take one step I collapse. Clint catches me and says "No you cannot move. I am carrying you down!" I say "Wait let me fly is to the ground so you don't have to walk down." He agrees and once I do that I collapse again. Clint looks at me and kisses my forehead. I look up and say "What was that about?" He looks down and says"I don't know just because." I start seeing black dots I say " The war is over right? And Clint it's getting hard to breathe and I'm seeing black dots!" He starts running faster and says "Yes the war is over. And just breathe! C'mon Emma your not aloud to die here! Stay awake!" I try to do as he says but it's getting harder and harder to do at the moment. I say "Clint I can't keep doing this. I'm clocking out here. I'm sorry!" He looks at me and says "Nope you don't have permission to do this. Stay with me Emma, I can't do it without you!" I looks at him just as the darkness starts taking over and say "I l-love you. T-tell everyone I will m-miss t-them.

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