Chapter 8: The Date

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{Emma's P.O.V}

I go to Nat and Pepper and say "I have a date tomorrow and I need help." Nat says "Clint finally had the guts to ask you! Took him long enough!" Pepper squeals and says "Oh we will have to ask him where so we get a good outfit for you and everything." She leaves and I smile and turn to Nat. I say "Did Cap finally ask you on a date?" She blushes and says "Yes but it's this weekend!" I laugh and say "Yes finally, he has been crushing on you since the day he met you!" She just laughed at me. Pepper comes back and says "Okay we are picking a dress for you but it has to be a sundress. What color and what do you want it to look like? Also Nat and I are packing a bag of stuff you need and Clint will take it for you." I smile and say "It has to be white and then it will have a cute purple design on it and for the straps and part where the stars connect to has to be lilac color." She gives me a dress design app and says "Make it on here then it will be here by tonight!" I smile and create it. I show it to Nat and she says "For my date you are making me a dress too! This is amazing!" I smile then show Pepper she squeals and says "Yes, this is perfect I will order it right now! Also he says that you can go barefoot or flats or ballet shoes." I smile really big and say "Barefoot, he knows I love to walk around barefoot. She nods and purchases them too. I say to Nat "I am going to ask Steve what he wants you to wear." She nods so I leave.
I walk up to Steve and say "What do you want Nat to wear on your date?" He looks at me and says "Well we are having a picnic in a park in Brooklyn, so a sundress will be nice and flats or ballet shoes." "Okay I'm going to tell her about the dress and shoes!" He nods and I leave.
I walk back into Nat's room and say "Wear a sundress and either flats or ballet shoes." She says "Ballet shoes and you design my dress." I nod and ask "What colors do you want the dress to be in?" "White and red." "Okay be prepared for an amazing dress." I show her a dress and she smiles and nods. We all go to bed so we can get ready.

~*Time Skip to Next Morning*~

So Clint left this morning to put the stuff where our date will be. Nat and Pepper tell me to go in the shower and then Pepper does my hair to make is curly and Nat does light makeup. When they are done I look in the mirror and gasp. I smile and say "How do you guys do this? I look amazing!" They both laugh. Nat says that she is going to leave with Clint to get the place ready. So Pepper decides do make me a milkshake so I don't have to redo my makeup later. I walk out and see the guys they look at me and smile. Tony says "Emma you look good! Why don't you do this on a regular day!" I laugh and say "Wow, at least I got part of a compliment." He laughs at that. Steve says to me "Clint is lucky, you look amazing!" I say back "You're also lucky we got the perfect thing for Nat to wear to your date!" He smiles and nods. Bruce says "I like it. It looks like your personality, so you look great!" I smile at him, then turn to Thor. He laughs and booms "Clint is lucky, you look like an Asgardian woman!" I laugh at that. We all talk for awhile and then Thor has to leave to see Jane. I say "Have fun and bring her here sometime!" He nods and leaves. Bruce says to me "Can you come in the lab I want to tell you something?" I nod and follow him. Once we are there he says to me "I didn't know how the guys would react to this so I decided to tell you instead, I have a date and I don't know what to do!" I tell him "Either take her to a fancy dinner, a movie, or a picnic!" He nods and I leave. By the time I get back Nat and Clint are back. I see Nat tap Clint's shoulder and tell him to turn around. He does and sees me. His eyes go wide and he has a huge smile. He comes up to me and says "Ready to go?" I smile and reply "Let's!" He takes the packed bag from Nat and we leave. We drive for a little while then we come to a stop at a beach. Since its sunset its looks amazing. I smile as he opens my door and takes my hand. We walk to a spot that's on the edge of the forest and beach. We sit under a tree and it has a blanket set on the ground with a picnic set up. He sits down and pats the spot next to him for me to sit. I sit down and he sets up dinner. It's one of my favorites, he said to me "I know that you love Italian food so I brought it and had it in a thermos for us to eat." I smile and say "Thank you Clint! It's amazing, I love it!" He smiles and sets up two plates with ravioli and for the drink it's strawberry lemonade. We eat and he says "Do you want some dessert or go in the ocean." I say "Let's got in the ocean then we can have some dessert." We get changed but I put my sundress over my bathing suit. We walk and I have my feet and some of my legs in the water and then he said "C'mon we are going on a walk." So we talk a walk then go back and get dessert. We had strawberries dipped in chocolate and some marshmallows dipped in chocolate with sprinkles. We eat them and we talk and laugh for hours. Eventually I lay down and look at the stars. He lays down next to me. I put my head on his chest and we talk and look at the stars. It's midnight when we decide to go back to the tower. I fell asleep on the way back, so Clint carries me.

{Clint's P.O.V}

When we got back from the date, it was around 1 so I carry Emma into the tower. I walk in and I see them all watching a movie. They turn to me and Nat smiles at us and whispers "How did it go?" I say "We had fun and she got tired so she laid down on the blanket and watched the stars so I decided to do that to, she put her head on my chest and then we left the beach at midnight, she fell asleep, now here we are. Nat smiles and says "Good job she will be super happy in the morning tell Pepper and I all about it."

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