Chapter 3: Fighting Clint

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{Emma's P.O.V}

Everyone was arguing in the lab when I felt a horrible pain in my head. I yelled "STOP FIGHTING!!" And groaned. They all looked at me and Nat said "Emma what's wrong?" I said "I think I found a new power but this is not fun and all of a sudden I went into a vision. It was of Clint shooting in arrow and the lab gets blasted. I came back to real life with people all around me I said "Guys Clint is outside about to shoot and ..." but before I could say about the lab it blew up and Nat, Bruce and I fell down. Fury asked "Goodwin, Romanoff you okay?!" I said "I think I am but not Bruce or Nat." Nat was stuck under a pipe and Bruce was turning into the hulk. Nat was trying to get out and say stuff to Bruce to calm him down. I got her free but just as I did, Hulk punched me in the side and I slammed into a wall. I felt my head because it was sticky and I looked at my fingers perfect I'm f*cking bleeding from my head! Nat was fine, and Thor got hulk away from me. Nat was about to fall asleep so I lied her down and she said "You okay?" I replied "I will be fine, always am." She smiled and fell asleep. Fury told me that Clint was about to free Loki. So I ran to him after telling Nat I will be back. I found Clint but his eyes he Tesseract blue. I was quietly sneaking up behind him, but of corse the walk way made a sound. He drew and arrow and put it in his bow aiming at me. I knocked it way and we started fighting. It was a pain in the butt to do. Eventually he pinned me beneath him. I said to him "C'mon Clint this isn't you come back!" He looked at me and his eyes flashed back for a split second then went back to the weird blue. He said "How do you know this isn't me, Loki showed me things when he opened my mind?" I looked at him and said "Because Clint, you are an amazing person and this isn't the Clint I know and love! Okay?" He looked at me and his eyes flashed again but before he could reply I smacked his head with mine. He flung back and said "Emma?" I panicked and kicked him in the jaw, he knocked out. I brought home back to the infirmary and put restraints on his words and ankles. I then ran to get Nat but I saw that Steve already did it for me. Thank you Steve. I thought and then he said "Emma? How are we doing this? I'm thinking and you can hear me right?" "Yes, wow I got a new power anyways I got to go bye!"

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