Chapter 4: Getting Clint back and Talking

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I went back to Clint and was getting myself some water when he grunted and started pulling on his restraints. I said "Clint it's okay I'm right here." He looked up and said "You know that? You know it will be okay? It that what you know?" I said "Actually I do so just calm down." He said "I got no window. I got to flush him out. How did you get him out?" I looked at him and said "I hit you really hard in the head." He did a slight smile and said "Thanks but you don't understand. You know what it felt like? To be messed with in the head, to be unmade?" I looked up with a sad smile and said "You know I do. It's not that great is it?" He frowned said "Sorry bad question" then continued with a smile saying "What even happened? I remember you saying something but it was blurry, then hitting me in the head with yours." I lightly blushed then said "It doesn't matter what I said. But we had a fight." He looked at me and looked surprised "You know that you have blood all down one side of you face? And can you undo these please?" I said "Sh*t I forgot about the blood. And yea I'll undo those." He looked angry "Did I do that all to you? Please say I didn't!" I smiled while undoing the restraints and said "No, no you didn't do this don't worry about that!" Then thought Crap he can't find out about my wings but I need to clean them. I got metal in them and blood! He looked at me and said "Wait you have wings and they are hurt?! And how did you get all bloody and stuff?" I said "Crap forgot about talking in my head and can communicate with people. Anyways yeah I got powers and wings." I looked sad and I felt guilty. He looked at me "Is that why you were gone for months and we had to rescue you but you didn't come near me?" I looked at home and said "Yea that's why, sorry about that." I started cleaning my head and wings. He said to me "You can tell me anything you know that right?" I smiled and nodded. Then said "I hurt my head and wings while trying to get Nat unstuck from a pipe and after I did Hulk came and smashed me into the wall." He looked at me while I came out of the bathroom from cleaning up. He looked panicked "Are you okay? Let me see!" I went up to him and showed him my head wound and my wings and my rib cage. He said "Wow the wings are pretty, and let me get you and ice pack and wrap up you ribs." I said to him "um I can wrap myself up. Cuz I am not going to take off my catsuit with you in there with me." I blushed while saying that. He looked at me sternly "Emma I am wrapping you up. I don't care, you are really hurt and I don't feel like making you move with your ribs." I looked at him and said "Don't worry about the ribs, they will be okay in like 5 seconds." Then I felt a horrible pain in my rib, I cried out and Clint came running to me "what happened Emma? Are you okay?" I looked up after the pain went away "don't worry about me, that just happens to my bones if the break." He looked at me and then looked at my ribs. He said "Emma you now have a bruise all down you side let me put something on it." I looked down and said "Fine but be careful." He said to me "Go in the bathroom and change into this shirt." He gave me and extra he had and I did as he said. He repaired my bruise and said to me "So what are we doing about Loki?" I looked up and said "well it's happening today and we need to beat his army and stuff." He looked down because I was sitting and said "okay anyways what did I do to you?" I showed him a cut on my arm and a couple bruises on my legs. He cleaned them and said "Sorry about these and what happened in our fight, don't lie because I can tell!" I looked up and said "Well we had a long fight and then you pinned me below you and I said some stuff to you, your eyes flashed back to normal then went to the weird blue again. And so I said something again and you turned back for a longer time so I head butted you and then kicked you in the jaw." He looked in the mirror and replied "I barely look like I got a hit." I said "Well I may have healed you with my powers." He said to me "Emma one; that's dangerous and two; why didn't it work on you?" I replied "I know it was dangerous and I don't know why I couldn't heal myself." He then said "Well anyways putting a arrow through Loki's eye socket with help me sleep better." I smiled and said "Now you sound like you!" He sat down next to me and replied "But you don't. Your a spy and not a soldier what did Loki do to you?" I looked down and said "He didn't..." he interrupted "Don't lie to me Emma." " Fine he sorda told me that you told him about my past and he found out about the power stuff. Then he told me about other things and he also took you." He looked at me "I'm sorry I didn't even know what I said to him." I looked him in the eyes and said "Don't worry about it I'm doing this to wipe everything clean and restart." He looked at me and said "Wow Emma, I think I might do the same." I smiled at him. He looked at me and I looked down. He lifted my chin and said "Emma look at me." I didn't so he basically made me. He then said "Why wouldn't you look at me?" So, I said while looking at the ceiling "Because I just can't, okay?" He said "No, not okay. Please Emma look me in the eye and tell me why." "I can't Clint." "Why can't you?" "Because if I look you in the eye I'm afraid you'll see all the pain I'm hiding." Then I covered my mouth and said "That was not supposed to come out of my mouth. Sh*t." He looked at me and said "What pain, what are you talking about." "Nothing Clint just don't worry about it." "Emma look at me and tell me what pain and also I want to know what you said to get me out of Loki's power for longer." I didn't look at him and said "Nothing important Clint just forget it." I went to stand up but Clint held my waist and put me in his lap facing him, he said "Look at me Emma, tell me everything." I looked him in the eye and said "Just forget I said anything." He held my gaze and said "No Emma if you aren't going to tell me what you said then the me about the pain you didn't want me to see." My eyes filled with pain, I can tell they did and then Clint said "Emma now that I see the pain, I want to make it go away. So please tell me so I can fix it." I was refusing to cry at this point but then he said "You know that it's okay to cry." "Actually I don't believe it's okay to cry, because if you do, technically your showing pain and weakness." He looked at me and said "Who told you that, and I know someone did." "No one important and by the way I'm seriously thinking about turning mute because I keep telling you this." "Don't do that and you know it's fine, you can cry. I won't judge you because eventually everyone reaches their breaking point."

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