Chapter 7: Coming back from the Dead

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{Emma's P.O.V}

I open my eyes and I'm in a beautiful place. I start looking around and see a person. I walk to them and say "Hello." They look at me and say "Hello, how are you?" "I'm good but where am I?" "You are in the land of in-between." "What is that?" "You are in between life and death." "Wow, does everyone think I'm dead?" "Yes but you can go back, but in order to do that you have to see what everyone looks like." "I want to go back. I don't care about what will happen in the future I want to say with every one I love!" "Okay come on I will show you what everyone looks like."
I see:
Nat in her room crying while looking at a photo of us together then she walks to the gym and starts training.
Tony is upset so he is working on suits and getting drunk
Bruce is sitting watching a recording of you dance.
Steve is punching a punching bag and continues destroying them.
Thor is in Asgard trying to forget everything and blames Loki for it all
And Clint is staring at a photo of you, saying "Emma I love you so much! I never got to say it back. Why couldn't you have stayed with me? Emma I need you, I could never move on from you! Come back to me!"
Once I see it all I start coming back. I am in the morgue lying on a table. I get up and I figure out its the funeral day. I start chuckling at this. I walk to the cemetery and see only my friends. They are talking about me and laughing at the times we had. Then they start crying. I decide this is the moment to speak up.
"Wow I didn't know I meant this much. You guys are f*cking emotional!" I laugh
They all stare at me and Nat is the first to speak "Emma? How is this possible? You are dead!" I reply "then why am I here, oh yeah because I was technically alive but my heartbeat was so unresponsive that no one knew it. And wow you guys are boring, like really! Are you going to stand there or come and hug me?!" Nat looks at me and smiles she runs up and gives me the biggest hug. She says "You have no clue how much I have missed you!" I reply "Actually I have. I had to see what happened to everyone before I could come back. Let me say... you guys looked like sh*t!" She laughed and so does everyone else. They all come and hug me except Clint. I whisper to them "Umm is he like frozen or something? Like come on I'm alive, you gonna hug me or not?" They chuckle at me and say "We will give you a minute." I just say "Okay"
He looks at me and says "No this is a dream. How do I know this is real?" I sigh and say "Look at your hands." He looks then says "I don't see a problem they look like normal." "Exactly, Clint when your in a dream your hands are deformed, so this is real!" He looks at me for one second then runs to me. He gives me a hug then lifts me in the air so I'm the same height as him and kisses me. It wasn't making out but it was sweet and long. He then stops and laughs while spinning me. He gives me another kiss and then rests his forehead on mine. He says "I missed you so much! And I never got to say that I love you too!" I laugh and look at home while saying "Well I love you too. But what are we going to do now. I don't want to go back to S.H.E.I.L.D. I want to get away from it." He looks at me and says "How about I show you something that I think you will love?" I nod and then everyone come back and I give all of them another hug.

~*Time Skip*~

Clint comes up to me and says "I know that we haven't gone on a date but do you want to tomorrow?" I look at him, smile and say "I would love to!" He gives me another hug and then leaves to plan.

Wings    {Clint Barton, Avengers}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu