My New Year Resolutions :)

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Hello everyone, Happy New Year!! I cannot believe today is  already the beginning of 2016! Well, anyway, I wanted to share with you most of my New Years resolutions I have planned so far! :)
I am hoping to get straight A's this semester- I have gotten straight A's for most of the first semester of 10th grade, except in Algebra and Spanish. The homework and tests for those get a little hard for me sometimes, and mastering the material, but I am determined to get A's in both beginning this New Year!
I also want to improve my writing and try to develop my skills in it this year. I am considering an English major in college, and want to have all the experience I can beforehand if that is what God is calling me to do. So I am going to try to do all I can for that by keeping active doing a lot of different English and literature activities, including in school, on wattpad, on my blog, and in extra curriculars :)
I want to audition for an area play and theatre production this year. I am scared to death to audition, but that's why I want to make it a new year resolution, so I won't be so scared but go out and do it and hopefully be able to manage stage fright better after doing that. They have several plays a year you may audition for, so I plan to do so at at least one of them :)
I also want to make sure I spend time/more of my time with my family, and pray more. I have a consistent prayer schedule, but would like to do it more often just to trust in God more. There is so much I am really worried about right now, including school, my future, my family and friends, and other things, that I hope to grow in my faith more this year especially by prayer to God. :)
What are all your resolutions for the new year? Let me know in the comments! :) ;)

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