sweet story imagine

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"Ryan, Josh broke up with me. He said he doesn't care about me any more and says I am not good enough for him," she said, crying really hard.

"Nobody loves me Ryan. Not the way I want to be loved," she continued with tears in her eyes.

Ryan hurt for his sweet friend. She had always been his best friend since childhood. They had a relationship which wasn't ever romantic. Until now, at least.

"Audrey, I love you," he said, touching her cheek gently.

"I know, Ryan. I love you too-"

"No, I love you. You're my biggest crush. I want to be yours-want to be your boyfriend, the guy you call yours."

"Ryan! Do you mean it?" the girl choked.

"Yes, I have loved you in that way for so long. I didn't want to say anything, so I wouldn't mess up your relationship with Josh. Or upset you because our friendship has never been thought of in that way."

"I love you too Ryan!" she said smiling, with tears streaked across her face.

"You're beautiful, and sweet, and smart and wonderful. Will you be my girl?" he asked, suddenly a little shy.

"Yes, Ryan. You're the greatest, sweetest guy ever. Yes!"

He smiled. And she smiled. They held hands and hugged with the sweet new love found between them. 


How'd you like this little story? I love stuff like this, (and would probably fall over if a guy liked me that way! <3). Anyway, please vote and comment!  I'd love to hear your thoughts!



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