Chapter 4 - The Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Uncle Simon?" Kiran asks taken aback by Avril's family connection. 

Avril laughs like she gets this reaction a lot. "Oh yeah. My dad and Simon are very old friends. I've known him all my life."

Kiran smiles warmly at Avril. "Aren't you lucky." I can see them becoming friends because of their similar styles. Avril is in an all white pant suit perfectly tailored to her body and her nose is pierced. Kiran also has a pierced nose. 

Avril nods in agreement. "I am but I'd be even more lucky if I had any talent."

Kyle scoffs and smiles amused. "Doesn't matter. I bet you've met a lot of his famous artists."

Avril laughs a very bubbly laugh that fits her perfectly. "Yes. I guess I'm very lucky."

I look around the hall and stop when I see a picture of Simon with One Direction. They're all smiling and each of the lads hold their first album Up All Night. My eyes find Louis and I find myself smiling at his familiar face. 

"They are so much hotter in person." Avril says and I snap back into the present. 

Kyle and Kiran laugh and nod. "I know. They should come with a warning sign." Says Kyle jokingly and we all laugh, the last of my nerves going away. I notice the girls seem more relaxed as well. Avril stop walking and we stand in front of a frosted glass door. 

"He's in a meeting that's about to finish so just wait here." Avril signals to the waiting area. 

"Alright thank you." I say looking at the door warily. 

"You're welcome and hey, don't be nervous. He's gonna love you." Avril says with a confident smile and leaves. Kyle, Kiran and I take a seat on the couch and chair in the waiting area.

Kyle bites her lip and places a hand on her stomach. "I'm so nervous. I feel nauseous." She looks slightly paler than usual. 

Kiran nods in agreement her eyes unfocused. "I wasn't so nervous before but now I can't stop moving" Kiran says with her knee jumping up and down. 

I take a deep breath to calm myself but the nerves are still there. "I, um I really have to use the bathroom now." I say and they laugh at me. "I'm gonna go find the bathroom." They're both too nervous to say anything but nod. 

I chuckle to myself as I walk down the hall. Everything is going to be alright. I know it, so no need to be nervous Malakai. Ha! Maybe if I keep repeating it I'll finally believe it. I wonder what Simon wants to talk to us about. I mean its not like he'll want to sign us because we aren't even famous enough for that. Ugh! The wait is killing me and my bladder isn't helping. I'm so busy stuck inside my head I don't notice the man walking my way until I run right into him. "Ufff." We both groan and I fall to the floor, on my butt. 

"God, I'm so terribly sorry." A very familiar voice says as a hand appears in front of me. I shake my head and grab his hand. His touch wakes something in me and I take my hand out of his as soon as I'm standing. 

My stomach goes crazy with butterflies. What the hell? "I'm the one who wasn't looking where she was going." I look up and my heart stops at the sight of his face. I gasp when his beautiful blue-green eyes meet mine. He really hasn't changed much. 

Louis stares at me his eyebrows pinched together. "Its quite alright." He says his gaze studying me. My heart beats fast and loud in my chest. I feel my face getting hotter with each second that passes. All of a sudden he smiles and I go weak in the knees. That smile could kill someone. "I know you." He says and my heart soars. He recognizes me! He hasn't forgotten like he promised! "You're the girl that sang in the cafe, part of The Keys. If I'm not mistaken." Just as fast as my heart soared its now sunken to the very bottom. I feel sick to my stomach. He doesn't recognize me which means he didn't keep his promise. Different emotions swarm inside me anger, sadness, hurt, betrayal. 

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