College Trip and bye bye Wales!

Start from the beginning

End of flashback

I was thirteen and young, I was asking to date Ginny, my father told me you must asked if they only have one daughter so in this case I ask Mr Weasley, so I could ask Ginny out. Now I'm over girls kind of. Being a player was great fun in a way, It worked for a while but now I have Ginny back in my life, my player side has died down. I actually honestly think Ginny and I are the real thing. It's what I wanted once upon a time and now I'm lost to which if I want it still. What is this spell she has me under? She has me wrapped around her finger. Everything she does brings me into her, her perfect brown eyes, her smile that would be the death of me. Her laugh which my ears were blessed to hear, when she wiggled her eye brows at me I always find it sexy. She is beautiful and I hope she knows it. Man I'm in trouble. I don't think this is love. What is it then? I asked myself. Ginny is not like other girls, she's beautiful and knows how to keep me on track. She can read me like an open book...

"Harry?" Ginny said as she stretched.

"Morning beautiful" I greeted as I pushed the covers so I could get up.

"So that match?" I began to say but was cut off when Ginny spoke, "remember we have that trip Harry"

Oh yeah, we have to visit the Louvre Museum in Paris. We were to stay only three days. This was only a college trip. We didn't have to go but I was going to go if Ginny was going.

"Oh yeah, are you going?" She asked.

"Going where?" Hey I'm stupid okay, but Ginny's eyes I could get lost in them very easy. Brown who knew.

"Paris" in a duh tone Ginny gave me a weird look.

"Yeah, I'm going to sign myself down, when is it?" I asked.

"Tuesday" Ginny replied.

"Are you going?" I asked. Please say yes. Please say yes. I repeated. She is the reason I'm going. I need to work on Ginny. She is falling for me and I know it. Am I falling for her?

"Um I don't know, with the Match on Saturday I'll be exhausted when coming home oh well" Ginny sighed.
I didn't say anything as I was still working on my plan, our second mark is coming and I've been having weird feelings towards Ginny.

"Oh" was all I said and I made my way towards the kitchen. I flicked my wand and food appeared. I started to eat and think real hard. I heard Ginny go into the shower and that's when I decided to call up Ryan and see what this "love" is. Am I  in love with Ginny or is it my mind playing horrible tricks.

Taking out my phone I dialled Ryan's number.

"Hey mate" Ryan's voice boomed into my ear.

"Hey dude" I sighed.

"What's up? Potty sex that bad eh?" Ryan teased.  I would if found it funny but my mind full of thoughts.

"I think I'm falling for her Ry" I mumbled.

"What?" Ryan asked shocked. "You love her?"

"I don't know man" I answered. I let out a sigh.

"Meet me in an hour okay?" I contemplated on his question.

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